Application for [Extreme]
Hello everybody!
My name is WJ, aged 23. I would like to apply for your clan. I am a very balance player, and would make a great asset to your clan in terms off kicking ass. My creative skills are not good, but what I lack in creative skills, I make up in playing the game. I am always willing to learn and improve
My current belt ranking is black, favourite mod is aikido
I have attached two replays, not my best, but at this time it is the best replays I have.
I have chosen [Extreme] for two reasons. 1) I like being extreme and think this is the clan to be in and 2) I would love to learn from more experienced players and improve my skills
The first clan I was in was called (Angel). I left them, because the clan was dying and is probably already dead. My current clan is (Aki) and I will only leave them to join an official clan
If I lack the right words to persuade you to let me in, please consider testing my skills
Looking forward to hearing from you