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Hybrid Teemo in proving grounds for da win! Shuts down tanks as if they were butter. ;p
By the numbers, hybrid builds are always worse than pure AD or AP on literally every champion in League of Legends.
This topic came up a lot when Kogmaw came out, since he dealt physical and magic damage with his auto attacks. And after people math-crafted and tested it out, it turns out that buying infinity edge/phantom dancer is way fucking better than anything else. Buying madreds bloodrazor is almost always a bad idea. Malady is a joke item for silly builds. Ionic spark is literally retarded.
One of the only on-hit effect weapons that actually is used at all in real builds is Wit's End because of the on-hit combined with increasing MR.
At the college I go to, morons are getting excited all the time about shit like "OH MY GOD, ELISE'S SPIDERLINGS APPLY ON-HIT. BETTER BUILD ON-HIT EFFECTS SO SHE CAN DO SUPER DAMAGE, HOLY SHIT!" Turns out that on-hit actually performs like festering shit on her, and if you're not building her triforce or tanky mage, you're going to be literally worthless to your team.
So yeah, even Kayle does more damage with IE/PD than she does spending any of that money on Guinsoo's Rageblade. Hybrid builds are always a waste of money.