Hybrid does not mean equal damage on each side.

Hybrid on teemo owns because they cannot defend both sides very well.

The poisen is whats the AP side is for.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I'm pretty sure that other junglers can successfully gank just as effectively, if not better, than hecarim. All the invis junglers (eve, shaco, and twitch) have the advantage of not even being seen by the ward, nocturne panth and shen all have massive range tele ults with cc to back it up. Rammus has the same speed capabilities with more cc. And Alistar and Nautilius and Maokai just have ungodly amounts of cc. And basically every viable jungler has a better clear time and sustain in the jungle than hecarim in the early game, where ganks are more prevalent and effective.

I mean many junglers have good ganks but getting past the ward is easier with Hecarim than any other champion. As Katarina has shunpo and can get away from other junglers easily Hecarim is the best bet on ganking her. That was my point lol. Rammus is fast too but Hecarim's boost is greater. Nocturne is a really good ganker after level 6 in this case. Early ganks with wards may not succeed. The same goes for Panth and Shen. Also Shen's ulti is pretty obvious so katarina still has time to escape. Invisible junglers are easy to counter too. Just buy vision ward and you have countered them.

Also yeah Hecarim can't clear jungle that fast as others and takes more damage than others. But if you have reliable friends they may leash your buffs really good when you take only like 50 damage. And you can clear the whole jungle only consuming 3 potions and then if you succesfuly gank you can take madred's razor and buy boots. That means you have the chasing power to finish everyone in ganks. At least it happens in my games when playing with Hecarim.
Also am I the only one who plays Varus a lot? He is like the best champion to practice your aim with. I automatically assume that people suck with Varus if they miss like 30% of his skillshots. Playing in mid is fun with him. Just poke the enemy a lot and don't push too far. When middler gets low enough to go 1 vs 1 stack 3 basic attacks -> ulti -> 3 basic attacks -> Hail of arrows -> 3 basic attacks -> piercing arrow. If the target flashes then just use piercing arrow to snipe them. Usually people just run in a straight line so it makes everything easier. But it's easy to kill Varus if the jungler ganks a lot. He doesn't have any escaping abbilities so flash won't help. Or going 1 vs 1 against him is easy too if he is not fed. If you are ranged then it's rather easy to counter him. His ulti still lets you land basic attacks so Varus has to stick to poking the enemy. He really deserves a buff as he doesn't have that high damage to all of his skills.
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
If your good enough you will not need potions.....

Well with Hecarim potions are optional. If you have bad leashes of course. His abbilities don't deal that much damage so the clear speed is really slow.
Last edited by Uberis; Nov 11, 2012 at 11:45 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Mongius View Post
*garbage that shouldn't be listened to*


Just no.

AP blitz is a horrible build that's only good for trolling.

Tear of the goddess is a horrible item in general, even on Blitz. Especially on a support. Get a GP5 instead.

You shouldn't be bush monkeying. Your strength doesn't come from giving kills (although it's a nice secondary objective) but from denying creeps and forcing the use of summoner spells. Plus, you achieve better results when out of the bush. People grow complacent in the bush. A ward in the bush still results in complacency. By taking advantage of this, idiots who do bush monkey excessively can be wrecked by properly baiting out bad positioning by chronic repositioning on your own part. By putting your presence in the lane, you create an invisible line of "pressure." The closer to the line you are, the greater amount of pressure you are under. This line is perpendicular through the lane. If they hide in the bush, and you know where they are, by seemingly repositioning to get a better angle at the other laner, you can actually reposition yourself to bring the line of pressure on top of, or past, the person in the bush, and then force an engagement on an out of position support. Of course, this is double edged, as they create a line of pressure themselves, but Blitzcrank has a second line of pressure because of the ability to force a reposition with his grab. This line is roughly spherical and slightly larger than the actual range of his grab, and can expand even larger depending on the terrain. This line is larger than most supports, and has incredibly strong "pressure" as well. The only people who either match or exceed the level of pressure are Alistar and Leona, although they have a reduced range on that line of pressure.

tl;dr: Blitz should stay mobile to keep the enemy on their feet, not hiding in the bush.

You SHOULD be maxing your Q first because of the CD on it. W is the second skill you max because of the fact mobility becomes more crucial as it approaches mid game. E gets maxed last because team fights don't last long enough to use it more than once or twice until late game. Plus, Q is the only spell that scales in terms of damage. W is damage over time, which is better for bruisers. Q is burst, which means it allows both the psychological fear of suddenly losing health, and the extrinsic value of the enemy losing more health. E just reduces CD, but it shouldn't be used in early game more than once or twice during any engage, even at reduced CD.

The only GP5s you need are Philo and HoG. Boots3 are retarded. CDboots are retarded. Boots5 are pretty much going to be the answer. Merc and tabi are possible substitutes. Kages is pointless on most supports, and near useless by the end of the game, even when upgraded.

Mana is horrible. It's a nice side effect from some items, but it shouldn't be your primary concern. The scaling on it from your passive is stupid to rely on. It's only 50% of your current mana pool. Instead, invest in health and armor and mr. Any mana you pick up in the process is a nice bonus.

Start boots, ward, and red pot. Better positioning from boots allows for better grabs, and better zoning. Place the ward in the river or tribush.

Early boots5 to roam if you stomp bot lane and your carry can hold it out now. Early gp5s regardless. You should have boots5 (or substitute) by 15 minutes in ALWAYS.

Your first item you should complete, after gp5s, is a shurelias. It's probably the best item in the game imo. If you don't need it straight away, due to stomping, early sheen. Then finish the shurelias. Follow up with whatever is necessary. Aegis if you jungle isn't getting it. Zekes if you adc is doing really well. Randuins or Locket, depending on needs (randuin probably the better choice 9 out of 10). Frozen Heart is good after the shurelias. Banshee's veil or QSash are good. Trinity force is pretty much like the last item you'll get, assuming all goes well, which it should if your team is half competent and not retarded. Oracles when you're safe or stomping.

Team fights, you should be protecting the ADC, not charging in to assassinate. You have near god-tier level cc at this point. Keep the ADC safe, and kills will follow. And with kills, comes won team fights. Basically, Blitz starts as an initiation in the front at the beginning of the fight, but retreats behind the lines to defend the AD carry from assassins and bruisers. Once those threats are gone, he can go back to the front. NEVER ABANDON THE AD CARRY. Supports have at least 2 main jobs: keeping the map warded, and keeping the adc alive. If you can't do either, you're not supporting right.

Skill order should be Q > E > W. R whenever you can. Max Q first, followed by W, then E.

You use runes and masteries to create a good early game presence, while still having usefulness in the late game. Exhaust and Flash as summoner spells. I run 9/9/12 masteries. Offensive: AD and improves exhaust, CD, and increased spell pen. Defensive: Armor and some MR, health. Utility: Improved flash and mana pool, ms and ward sight, gold over time.
Runes are flat AD marks, MS quints, Flat armor yellows, and some combination of CD and/or flat MR and/or lvl18 MR blues.

Final tl;dr: Mana sucks on blitz more than you think. AP blitz sux. Shurelia's is the bestest item ever and you should get it. Buy wards. Protect the ADC. Don't be a bush monkey. R>Q>W>E. GET THE FUCKING SHURELIAS AND USE THE DAMN ACTIVE ASJDHGSAKJHJKSAL.
Last edited by Oracle; Nov 12, 2012 at 12:21 AM. Reason: woops, said AD yellows, meant armor yellows.
nyan :3
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Originally Posted by Oracle View Post


10/10 would read again AND recommend.

Also, I watched numbers and his team play some pro players about 1 hour ago.
Even though it was a loss, his team did good overall and did great early game.


بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

My team just played against unR. We were winning the first 25 minutes of the game with a score of 6-2 until we made a baron call since we just killed somebody which forced a 5v4. Baron did too much damage to us and miscoordination in the team fight led to unR winning that skirmish. They eventually just wore us down from then and pushed to our nexus which led to a 35 minute game. I'm surprised we played that well versus a pro team. Ask Ed, he was watching the whole thing.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
What oracle said was accurate, although I do like buying frozen heart on blitz.

Probably because it's the most cost effective item in the game League of Legends, but wutevz.
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Also, Gubbin is neat.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post



I read the word "Chronic" and started laughing at the term "Chronic Masturbation". Oh god, nofap november is getting to me.
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