New start.
So I have just finished all the changes and made the new official threads so we are up and running now.
Before we finally start posting and making new threads, I would like to go over some things.
First of all is the way you post.
When posting, atleast make your posts 10 words long and use correct grammar and spelling to the best of your ability.
Do not start arguements and such things in these clan boards or it will result in a warning, which can eventually turn out to be a ticket out of here.
Posting with smileys such as
or anything like that is discouraged and makes us look bad, so try to use the least smileys as possible.
Second of all is posting in the correct threads -
For example the recruitment thread.
Only post there when somebody ACTUALLY applied and not just to say something like "Good luck with the clan!"
Third of all is going offtopic -
If you go offtopic for example, Stupidtaco is posting in the replay thread and you decide it's a good idea to say "Hey stupidtaco is my head your making for me done yet?"
This will result in a warning and if given enough time, will result in a kick.
Saying OFFTOPIC: ( Instert offtopic words here ) DOES NOT help.
I encourage you ALL to make new threads aslong as they have some meaning, like getting a new game system or opening a new shop, but making a new thread just to say HAI GUISE with random 4chan pictures is not acceptable.
For more rules on posting so you will not get kicked out, please read the rules thread that is stickied.
Good luck guys, I hope we have a nice run!
Last edited by TheElement; Nov 16, 2009 at 11:06 PM.