I was thinking about saving up for him.
Is he worth 6300 ip?
How is he built?
So I played a bit of AP Elise, cause I'm somewhat bored with my current choices and Zed is like every other energy based champ for me, a load of trouble getting used to.
Holy fuck she seems actually viable now. I don't know why, but those slight buffs have made her almost brutal to lane against. She's also amazing at single target disengage, kinda like Cass except smaller scale, so if she can bait somebody past their minions, easy turn around for free damage and/or kill. Seriously, faced a Vlad at mid, even scores, he's a level above me cause I went to defend our jungle at one point. It's like level 8 to 9 or something. Anyways, I take him down from full health using the omnomnom combo of (human form) e > w > q > r > q > w > q > q > q etc. etc. Escape using E on to a caster minion to avoid Riven who tried to clean up. Human form E as an extra precaution when she decided to continue chasing.
She just might be earning a spot as one of my favorite champs :s and I always thought she was a piece of shit.
I've watched tonnes of gameplay on youtube and a few friends recommended it. Problem is, I have a macbook pro, so it can't really run it. Do you guys think it's worth buying a windows desktop and getting a desk setup, speakers, dual screen etc?
Not 100% just for this game, but for games in general.
Either way, LoL sounds and looks awesome.
I am still waiting for proper nick, Toon. Neither of these nicks you gave me are working.
You are on Nordic, he lives in America. Well he is probably on the NA server that's why you can't find him.
I was thinking about saving up for him.
Is he worth 6300 ip?
How is he built?
I would say he feels a bit too strong early game, especially as a mid, but he's a bit average as a top lane. His cc is not completely consistent, but he definitely has a good aoe and damage presence.
He's built like most bruisers, triforce is pretty much a must on him. One more damage item, like Bloodthirster for lifesteal, or Last Whisper for better scaling damage, then situation-based tank items. He probably would do amazingly well with a Randuin's, and I found he's not half bad with a Sunfire/Atma followed by a FoN for some pretty durable tanky dps.
But I'm not particularly good with energy-based champs, cause I tend to overspend my energy, so I might not be entirely accurate with it. But he definitely plays similar to Shen, except with more damage with less tankiness.
Also, if you use his ult just right, you have temporary invulnerability when you activate it, so you can use it to avoid some sticky situations if you play it smart.