I was just surprised that all that happened when I was gone for just a few..haha xD
[eVo]|Order of Taekkyon|2007
It would be cool if ants had like a whole world underground like mini computers and nuclear wars and stuff.
There working on a nuke that can kill all man kind.; while there doing that do you still spar?
They have a secret army of ants deep underground that are larger then all humans with armor so strong no blade nor bullet can leave even the slightest scratch, Only the twins of legend Gold and Silver can stop theses monsters; "The two that are one and the one that is all." can save the human race from annihilation. With there swords x-zron and clerent at there sides Jason and sophie must go on and adventure of a life, were they can trust no one but each other.
I think that that would be a good clan story if I made a clan t(owo t)
Last edited by Micah; Mar 28, 2013 at 03:27 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
What are you on?
Whatever it is, I want some.
Pass some this way..
CoKe PM me when you read this.
Players nowadays I swear, 1 person says this guys an asshole and suddenly they follow there words. There's a difference between a leader and a follower.. you can follow the words of others or be your own man and learn for yourself.
There's a reason there is a lot of extended rules here, I don't want you all to be followers but to branch out on your own and take things as they come on your own time.
The children in this game is ridiculous.
Last edited by Tripstone; Mar 28, 2013 at 06:40 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump