
Welcome to the clan, Aitor21. You guys always do the fun stuff without me.

Our clan shop thread got closed 'cause I'm a dumb noob, but I'll re-open it later after I delete my other threads. (My bad.)

MocroGunz! I was at school. I'm on IRC right now and etc etc.


Also our one of our thread separators has a typo. It says "Alies" instead of "Allies". Can someone please fix that?
Have you ever licked Nutella off of a penis?
I love you, MocroGunz.
Originally Posted by BillyRuben View Post

Welcome to the clan, Aitor21. You guys always do the fun stuff without me.

Our clan shop thread got closed 'cause I'm a dumb noob, but I'll re-open it later after I delete my other threads. (My bad.)

MocroGunz! I was at school. I'm on IRC right now and etc etc.


Also our one of our thread separators has a typo. It says "Alies" instead of "Allies". Can someone please fix that?

O hai ruben!
Alsways great to have you here.
Got to go sleep now.
You go to bed at 22:00? :o
I wish i could i just can't fall a sleep.
Nice to know that you guys won another clan war.
Do you really think you're in control
Grats guys!
Better than my shitty clan. Rank 12-Pfft noobs.
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
Attention all The Prophecy members.

When you are online, please be sure to also join our IRC Channel.

IRC activity is equally important as forum activity.

Also, please be sure to register your name once you're in the channel. The command is "/nickserv register <password> <email>" without the quotes or the <>.

I'm serious.
Last edited by BillyRuben; Oct 17, 2011 at 10:55 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Have you ever licked Nutella off of a penis?
I love you, MocroGunz.
She is a Muslim, and it's time to pray.
Get on your knees bitch

Couldn't let this one pass by.
going to bed.
Do you really think you're in control
-Real Name: Darius Coleman
-Age: 16
-Date of Birth: 10/4/1994
-GMT: gmt-6
-Sex: male

-What chat network do you use (optional):
-Make a userbar on : :
-Are you IRC active:yes
-Why you want to join (30+ words or else neglected) Because i think this a good clan just for me and i can also donate tc to the clan when needed and im basicly a very good fighter in the toribash community
-Why should we accept you(30+ words or else neglected) Because im not annoying and i can be very helpful to the clan and i wont clan hop like other people and very active ingame and in fourms and im a good member

Originally Posted by DareDevil1 View Post
-Real Name: Darius Coleman
-Age: 16
-Date of Birth: 10/4/1994
-GMT: gmt-6
-Sex: male

-What chat network do you use (optional):
-Make a userbar on : :
-Are you IRC active:yes
-Why you want to join (30+ words or else neglected) Because i think this a good clan just for me and i can also donate tc to the clan when needed and im basicly a very good fighter in the toribash community
-Why should we accept you(30+ words or else neglected) Because im not annoying and i can be very helpful to the clan and i wont clan hop like other people and very active ingame and in fourms and im a good member

No doesn't really have anything to offer for the clan.