Welcome to the clan, Aitor21. You guys always do the fun stuff without me.
Our clan shop thread got closed 'cause I'm a dumb noob, but I'll re-open it later after I delete my other threads. (My bad.)
MocroGunz! I was at school. I'm on IRC right now and etc etc.
Also our one of our thread separators has a typo. It says "Alies" instead of "Allies". Can someone please fix that?
-Real Name: Darius Coleman
-Age: 16
-Date of Birth: 10/4/1994
-GMT: gmt-6
-Sex: male
-What chat network do you use (optional):
-Make a userbar on : Userbar.com :
-Are you IRC active:yes
-Why you want to join (30+ words or else neglected) Because i think this a good clan just for me and i can also donate tc to the clan when needed and im basicly a very good fighter in the toribash community
-Why should we accept you(30+ words or else neglected) Because im not annoying and i can be very helpful to the clan and i wont clan hop like other people and very active ingame and in fourms and im a good member