Lol, I heard Slanesh is still inactive and iCo0n has also grown a bit inactive. The only person I've really seen around besides yourself is Tamakuu.
This clan is too young to be inative. I honestly would love to see it thrive like it did before it became official. Like I told iCo0n before I left the clan, "It's like you guys lost the motive to fight for what you wanted. It's like there is no more fire in the clan's spirit. All of the motive to become the greatest, all the motive to become known and recognized, all of this just disenegrated when you guys hit the official board."
Well, there is honestly more to a clan than just trying to make it official and be known as "that guy who is the leader of that one clan". No, the reason why a clan should be formed is for companionship for other toribash members, and where people of the community can unite and "hang" with the ones they see fit. To be honest, this is what this clan once was. A clan that was based on friendship and loyalty. I'm sure there is nothing you guys wouldn't do for each other, as you guys are now a family. You guys are letting your family dye to a slow death.
If any of you want to talk to me just shoot me a PM or stop by in my clan thread. You can now even catch me ingame since I got internet now.
I know I wasn't a part of the clan that long, but it hurts to see all the hard work put into this group go to waste.