This is the story of my past
Greetings! The name's Gabriel. Paying close attention to what you wrote in the first post, I'd like to know at what times are you guys available for social interaction, so I can actually get to know you guys better!
Moving on to myself, then!
My name is Gabriel. You can call me Gabriel, Gabby, Gabe, Nerudian or Neru. I am currently residing in Argentina, and have been there since the date of my birth, back in November '93, which means next month I'm turning 19. I am 6 feet 4, and very skinny, with no muscle mass to show off. At all. In spite of not being my first language, I've had ten years of english education, which I've perfected through videogames, TV and the internet. I have an almost flawless american accent, just like my british. I actually learned british english, so I tend to go more UK than US when I talk. I've fooled americans into thinking I was a native speaker in repeated ocassions. I do still have some flaws in my vocabulary, but considering I've never set foot in an english speaking country, I think I'm pretty good. Also, I have a very convincing scottish accent which I'm working on.
I am currently studying general desing, which basically covers graphic design, web design, programming, publicity and marketing, 3D, drawing, moviemaking and animation. I expect one day to have my own company of animated TV shows, movies, and videogames.
In my current account, I have little to offer to the clan in terms of reputation, or game experience. My curent QI is 176, I am almost a blue belt, and have a post count of roughly 3, this post included. Bear in mind, though, that this account is actually an alt. My original account, and a whole explanation, are located below:
This is the story of my past
TLR: used to have a brown belt account, dropped it over a year ago, starting again now.
As far as game skills go, here's a LINK to a few replays, both from my old and my new accounts (5 old and 5 new, just to keep it balanced), but you'll notice that the newest half, at least in SP, shows some improvement compared to my old account. Practice makes perfect, they say, and I've been practicing a lot lately, plus my understandings in physics have increased in the last year, therefore I can actually better plan my moves in the game.
My favorite mods are aikido, wushu and twinswords. I used to be a hardcore fan of the old jousting mod, but this new one is pure shit, no offense. You now have less than three frames before smashing your face against your oponent, with no control whatsoever of your position, when in the old version, you had a complete turn before you were even close, and it would allow you to do the most splendid stunts, usually involving splitting the other person in fifty pieces, but hey, at least we now have hair and joint textures... right guys? guys?
Entering the realm of my personal life, I'm somewhat hard to understand, but I trust you can follow: I am a My Little Pony fan, I'm a furry, and an atheist, I love videogames, animé, drawing and programming, . I have a particular taste for sweet things, I like pettite girls (which sometimes makes me think I have a slightly pedophilic side to me, but I tend to disregard said thougts), and I love making friends, and creating stuff, as well as destroying it. I have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and my curiosity's only bounds, are the TooMuchInformation areas. I am as stubborn as a wall, and tend to always win any conflicts involving some kind of verbal or written diplomacy, be it between myself and others, or acting as a medium between parts. I like to say I'm a peace keeper, despising anything and everything that alters order with an evil or selfish intent. My attraction to said discussion solving, also means that I am easily exploitable by internet trolls. Nobody's perfect.
I generally hate disrispectful people, people who don't know what sportsmanship is, or otherwise stupid and unmanered people everywhere, SPECIALLY in videogames.
Regarding general skills, I have deep knowledge and understanding of maths, programming, electronics, biology, design, art, and general science stuff. Also, extense internet humour and meme knowledge.
I completely lack any social skills, and also anything involving physical excercise, sports or women.
My schedules are flexible, I use skype, and am ingame arround three hours a day. My timezone is GMT -3. I'd love to chat with anyone willing to do so, as long as we do not discuss sports, politics or religion, topics with I tend to avoid, in order to not offend people.
Having said all that, I return to my life. I won't mind at all if you don't accept me, considering that, even with both my accounts combined, my experience ain't that much. If that is the case, I will then proceed to work my ass of to level this current account to something respectable, like a black belt or something.
Ahaha, you seem like a very convincing person.
Though, why did you choose raku? A person of your caliber would qualify to almost every clan.
With that being said, you've got my yes.
I am pretty sure his signature means that;
You probably don't want to join a clan but if you do this link leads to a cool one.
That is how I would take it.