When she comes out, I'm going to bother one of my vent buddies into playing Fizz while I support him with Nami.
I would say he feels a bit too strong early game, especially as a mid, but he's a bit average as a top lane. His cc is not completely consistent, but he definitely has a good aoe and damage presence.
He's built like most bruisers, triforce is pretty much a must on him. One more damage item, like Bloodthirster for lifesteal, or Last Whisper for better scaling damage, then situation-based tank items. He probably would do amazingly well with a Randuin's, and I found he's not half bad with a Sunfire/Atma followed by a FoN for some pretty durable tanky dps.
But I'm not particularly good with energy-based champs, cause I tend to overspend my energy, so I might not be entirely accurate with it. But he definitely plays similar to Shen, except with more damage with less tankiness.
Also, if you use his ult just right, you have temporary invulnerability when you activate it, so you can use it to avoid some sticky situations if you play it smart.
I personally would build him like Talon, but instead of Mercury Treads I'd build Ionian Boots
What ever happened to Nami being an awkward looking ginger? :< the somewhat-better old days...
Also, it's funny how effective getting wins is as a tank jungler. I don't think I've lost a game as jungle whenever I went either mumu or malph.