That kick made me wet.

Most of the replay is Clean to fucking hell.

Movement is really interesting aswell. Keep it going please, love it so far.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Had some fun trying to do some flowy shit i guess.
Attached Files
#Xioi#T - MisiKi.rpl (411.8 KB, 44 views)
morten.tbm (17.8 KB, 31 views)
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
this is sick, i would honestly love to see some indoors tricking like this in defaults at one point just because it would be really cool to show tricks off of walls (besides parkour). also i just love how frontflips look and they are way more likely to happen with walls around

this tori looks weird, is this some sort of mod made so that the proportions are more realistic? if so that is pretty interesting.
oh yeah
extended abs represent. a full on ukebash or tricking or whatever replay with this kind of movement would be super sick, like if Larfen still played toribash.

i really like how artistic the kick is, i think most people would try to optimize it by extending faster and aiming only for the neck. I guess that also goes for the extended abs movement since it either is not very practical or we are not yet good at using it effectively (personally that is why i think it goes under artistic more than the effective category)
oh yeah
Thx pusga. And yea i belive the Tori was changed to fit into more realism stuff. Idk tbh.
But that Tori makes tricks and moves way faster and quite easier to do from personal experience.

Here's a manip decap i made just now in like 20 mins. Actually kinda proud of this for once.
Attached Files
#Xioi#M- NaSo.rpl (144.0 KB, 47 views)
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
I like the replay. It's got this nice flow to it, a kind of a tempo. I think you should've continued it a while longer and worked on better dm's though.
Owner of Fred
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i admit that i haven't been paying attention to this thread but i was impressed by this replay a few older ones that i looked at.
this replay is weird, you found strange ways to do the hits but you were good enough to make them look nice and that is pretty great in my opinion. perhaps the tweak during the pose is the only thing i wasn't a fan of just because it implies you weren't able to land on a stable pose right away. It doesn't ruin the replay though, i still think it is pretty good overall
oh yeah
you took almost every chance to push uke with your body and made all the hits look pretty, with manips people usually wait for the perfect opportunity to do a good hit when it comes up so i think this is particularly impressive since you needed to constantly be in motion to push uke and also make it transition well into other pushes.

the decap caught me off guard, had to rewind twice to get a better look. Observing it with shift+p makes it look like you quickly pushed then went for the decap, but surprisingly it works in regular speed, it looks like one single punch, that is pretty sweet.
oh yeah
Thanks for posting man. I'm in a bit of a dip when it comes to replay making atm, so I feel I'm lacking in areas I previously had been quite good at.

So I took the liberty of typing "/lp 0 Xioi" and then I just fucked around, relaxing all when I became stuck on the replay. I also didn't care much about DM's, which you might notice.

But it's really appreciated that you comment, it can be quite the carrot to get cnc.
Owner of Fred
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