I'm gonna start playing this soon, is there anybody who can show me the ropes? Also how "Good" does your computer have to be to run this? My comp can run tb fine, I'm unsure about higher spec games though.
Don't get why you guys call just silver low... Anything below double AK is low.
Still, my opinion, but it should be everyone's opinion. Been playing again recently. Still bad but it's something new to fuck around with.
I can't deal with the csgo community toxicity.
I get trolls in every single game, and even worse, multi-queueing trolls. In the past 30 games or so, there has been a person trolling in ~27 of them.
Is it possible to share downloaded games? I have this one game where I aced the enemy team twice and we lost 2-16
lol 334 wins and still silver master elite just because no team like always (rip the cs go logic)
I got so mad after i deranked from gold nova master to silver elite and then stucked here for 100 matches until i got a new rank up