He's like so underused in top now, or is it just me who stopped seeing him?
Btw I'm blasting that song in my ears right now.
Last edited by Tyzo; Nov 20, 2012 at 11:23 PM.
I play Xerath :s

Damn good at it too. I've beaten "hard counters" like Ahri, Kass, Karth, Ziggs, and Cass who either can take advantage of my rooting for easy skill shots (Karth and Cass), are highly mobile (Ahri and Kass), or have comparable range (Ziggs). You just have to get used to the mana usage. He's not mana heavy like Anivia, but he has to spell spam, so he can run out of mana if you aren't careful. He's also incredibly reliant on positioning. But by late game, he's one of the special few AP carries that stays viable in terms of damage because of dat % spell pen. Easy 80% pen with masteries and items. You can also afford to run ap yellows on him with less risk because of dat_passive. I'm pretty sure he can start with 30-40 ap with no items at level 1 and still not be a complete glass cannon.

Needless to say, I love to play him. Plus I have the molten Xerath skin, so ima pew pew alldayerrday.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I play Xerath :s

Damn good at it too. I've beaten "hard counters" like Ahri, Kass, Karth, Ziggs, and Cass who either can take advantage of my rooting for easy skill shots (Karth and Cass), are highly mobile (Ahri and Kass), or have comparable range (Ziggs). You just have to get used to the mana usage. He's not mana heavy like Anivia, but he has to spell spam, so he can run out of mana if you aren't careful. He's also incredibly reliant on positioning. But by late game, he's one of the special few AP carries that stays viable in terms of damage because of dat % spell pen. Easy 80% pen with masteries and items. You can also afford to run ap yellows on him with less risk because of dat_passive. I'm pretty sure he can start with 30-40 ap with no items at level 1 and still not be a complete glass cannon.

Needless to say, I love to play him. Plus I have the molten Xerath skin, so ima pew pew alldayerrday.

I am waiting for him to be free again, cuz I fell in love when I saw him for the first time when he was released. I did not collect money for him tho, I don't know why.

Now my wish list looks like this:
a) that I can afford, with IP:
1. Talon
2. Xerath
~~ more to come probably
b) that I can't afford, because I won't buy RP unless theres some special occasion:
1. Guqin Sona
2. Renegade Talon
3. Nick change + server change

and more to come probably :-P

36% targets max hp in magic damage + 700 magic damage (ult) = destruction

Uydr had 50% hp, then I auto'd him 3 times and ult'd him. He died, instantly. I cannot wait for season 3 items to come into the game. Malady becomes better, Hurricane is introduced and AP Mid Varus is going to be so much terror.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Plus I am proving to many how OP hybrid teemo really is. Fivah saw 1st hand. ;p
No masteries no runes and still wrecks.

They need to finally implement NA to EU account Tranfers.
They say its not possible but that just means there coders fail to even try.
Last edited by Toon; Nov 21, 2012 at 01:11 AM.