Evaluation Type: (TC, USD or both) Just TC
Name: Kiwipie2

TC total: Probably 0
Qi: 1.4k
Inventory link: Don't know
Ban/infraction history: 0
Booster/Toribash prime information: None
Anything else you wish to add: None

Evaluation Type: (TC, USD or both) TC
Name: Imking360
TC total: Probably 0
Qi: 1k
Inventory link: dont know
Ban/infraction history:0
Booster/Toribash prime information: none
Anything else you wish to add:none
That feels good. I like it when you touch me there... mmmmh. That hurts...ow ow! Click Here Much better.
How much would a static force and platinum lax sell for?
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
ok so this has been inactive for a while now but i am going to try my best

vamp force??


Items: hunter blood, hunter force, pumpking

hunter blood - 25k
hunter force - 60 - 75k
pumpkin - 30k - 60k

How much is Beetle pack, Neptune pack, Pumpking, Shaman Pack, and Full Atheymest worth?

beetle - 32k (i think)
neptune - 32k (i think)
pumpkin - ^
shaman pack - 75k (i think it is a bit lower but ?)
full amethyst - 28 - 35k

How much is a Persian Pack?

sorry cant help you on that one.

Evaluation Type: both
TC total: 470k
Qi: 6250
Inventory link:
Ban/infraction history: 1 ban for useless posts
Booster/Toribash prime information: toriprime 10 months vip 4 months
Anything else you wish to add: owner of 1 of pate5s best sets

i will leave that up to onamist

Acid Relax
Full viridian

acid - 4k
viridian - 40 - 60k

Items: Vampire force and cobra relax

vampire - 6k
cobra - 10k

A full 128 set not including the head?

about 18 - 22k

titan force+lax
old gold force+lax
super nova f+l
tc check please

ada - 3k
raider - 14 -20k
shaman - 7k
static - 20k (i think that is reasonable)
titan f - 8k
titan l - 6k
old gold f - 18k (that is what i got mine for recently but will often go for much higher)
old gold l - 12k
supernova f - 12 -16k
supernova l - 8 - 14k

Evaluation type: TC (but I can use usd but I feel better if i used TC than USD)
inventory link:
Qi: 1050(at this moment)
infraction/ban: nope never experienced any.
booster/tori prime information: never bought tori prime, bought tc last 3 weeks.
anything you wish to add: no.

i will leave this up to onamist

Evaluation Type: USD
Name: R4ff
TC total: 153,691
Qi: 11269
Inventory link: Active, Deactive
Ban/infraction history: 4 (all departed)
Booster/Toribash prime information: Tori Prime and VIP

look above but i think around 35 - 45$

Items: deactivate
Packed or unpacked: unpacked

would like in tc and usd please

150k (probably could get more)
about 10 - 12$

how much shouldi i pay for aqua force?


Vampire Blood


Name:Blood Vodka
Evaluation type: TC

i believe about 500k

Items: Platinum relax
Velvet Force
Raptor Force

plat - 50k - 65k
velvet - 35k - 45k
raptor - 8 or 9k

Item: Sapphire relax
Evaluation Type: TC

18 - 30k

Items: Full Pure

about 1 mill

Evaluation Type: (TC, USD or both) Just TC
Name: Kiwipie2
TC total: Probably 0
Qi: 1.4k
Inventory link: Don't know
Ban/infraction history: 0
Booster/Toribash prime information: None
Anything else you wish to add: None

Evaluation Type: (TC, USD or both) TC
Name: Imking360
TC total: Probably 0
Qi: 1k
Inventory link: dont know
Ban/infraction history:0
Booster/Toribash prime information: none
Anything else you wish to add:none

kiwi - 14k ish
king - 10k ish

How much would a static force and platinum lax sell for?

static - 35 - 50k
plat - 32k

Item: Full Quicksilver- Unpacked
Evaluation type: TC

i dont know but it would probably be about 500k or more

please not my prices are different the missuse's and onamist's. i tend to have a set price for cretin items and i stick to it but there is haggle room in all my prices.
i hope this answered more questions. in the future if u want a faster response go to -
Evaluation Type: both
Name: Draynoth
TC total: 247
Qi: 2492
Inventory link:
Ban/infraction history: Nothing
Booster/Toribash prime information: Nothing
Anything else you wish to add: I'm just curious...
Gamemaster -- Need help? Click here!
I'm like... supposed to advocate for Team Aikido or something. Click that link if you're great at aikido.
I'd like to know the price of my account please.

Evaluation Type: Both TC and USD
Name: WolfBR
TC total: 24,682
Qi: 3850
Inventory link:
Ban/infraction history: Four expired infractions, one 1 day ban
Booster/Toribash prime information: None
Anything else you wish to add: Nothing to add really, nothing that could change the value given to my account.
Last edited by WolfBR; Jan 23, 2011 at 01:29 AM.