View Poll Results: Should we pay 10k per month for the ingame tag THINGY?
We should.
7 Votes / 36.84%
Why its pointless.
8 Votes / 42.11%
Not sure.
2 Votes / 10.53%
Its too risky.
2 Votes / 10.53%
Voters: 19. You may not vote on this poll
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we aren't even joking

REM looks like a promising clan and we hope to be a part of it :o
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Guys im whit ulus, ofc i will accept you guys but first leave your older clan.
Do you really think you're in control
Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
we aren't even joking

REM looks like a promising clan and we hope to be a part of it :o

ok as long as you guys are seriuos i will accept and post replays Asap and guys
dont make make a joke of it.......
umm guys i was just seeing how u guys would react if i would leave this clan its not that i do want to. this is one of the bestest clans ive have ever been in and just to let u no i am staying. cuz people have been telling me that once u leave a clan they will hate u forever
[TGS] Forever!
Velo's #1 BoyFanFriend!
Need To Get In Touch? Nyce#0394 on Discord!
Originally Posted by iCo0n View Post
Guys im whit ulus, ofc i will accept you guys but first leave your older clan.

Are you serious?They can do whatever the fuck they want dude.

Originally Posted by ulus05 View Post
Fill the application form correctly, than ill accept.
And you are in Raid clan right? No double clanning here.

Yeah I don't get it.Why apply when you arre allready in a clan and btw ulus redundents app is more decent than the preset one.
We are now allies of raid, and you guys aren't official, so I want to show I'm allies.
Wait, what
Originally Posted by Alex5050 View Post
umm guys i was just seeing how u guys would react if i would leave this clan its not that i do want to. this is one of the bestest clans ive have ever been in and just to let u no i am staying. cuz people have been telling me that once u leave a clan they will hate u forever

Nice spamming
1)don't make stupid jokes
2)Now that more people join you wanto stay?
3)You aint fooling anyone.You did wanto leave.However it is your choice -.-

AND EVERYONE who just joined,add [REM] to your signitures if you want.We will be applying soon(for officialness)Right after finished the clan video.
So post some replays.
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And I don't wanna change my sig cos I love everyone in my sig.
Wait, what