Originally Posted by
there is no reason to post that Gucci. like seriously.
By the way any of you watch all the E3 stuff, also what games are you looking forward to playing?
I watched Reggie whatever his last name is, the president of Nintendo, get rekt at super smash bros, and then get roasted by the guy. That was actually pretty funny. The other guy said afterwards:
"For being the president of Nintendo, you really suck at Super Smash Bros."
And I watched part of the Nintendo World Championships Finals. But like 1 and a half rounds of smash bros.
Haven't seen any of the press conferences, but then again, I don't have too much interest. I did hear when I checked up quickly that Ubisoft has planned to make another South Park Game, though.
Last edited by Kraetor00; Jun 16, 2015 at 03:09 PM.