Originally Posted by
Alright, here's a little question for you guys, who do you think would win against each other :
Jayce top, Nidalee mid, Jax jungle, gankplank bot and ez ad carry bot against amumu top, shaco jungle, morgana mid, ashe ad carry bot and teemo bot?
Just throw in a wild guess (or perhaps a reasonable one).
At the level where most of us play, (not counting Numbers etc) outcome of that matchup is open.
Having counter/bad/stupid pick(s) makes your life easier, but doesn't really tell who'll win lane/game.
I'd guess that the team with Teemo won.
Originally Posted by
Anywho, I played a couple games with some vent buddies. Since I'm the best one amongst them, I play AP mid more often than not. And I make all the calls. They plan to start ranked 5s but I've seen them play... :s They play too many arams and too few games to have enough experience, but I'll let them entertain the thought.
I love playing team rankeds, even with teams (and team members) that aren't really "that" good (tbh, neither am I, but..). Team rankeds tend to teach you more about the game than several normal blind pick games. Why? Because that another team is (probably) actually trying instead of dicking around for lulz. :P
Last edited by Dargon; Nov 24, 2012 at 08:39 AM.