Season 3 - Revenge of the Bruiser
S3 will be the start of the bruiser meta. The items being released just promote bruiser dominance. I was with hippybob and some friends and we went X2daZ and Rengacia bot lane and dominated 6 out of the 7 games, granted hippy played other champions but the fact is what is an ad carry going to do against double bruisers. The only champions that have a chance is taric + ez/cork. We killed everyone else.
With all these new items for bruisers, ad ranged carries have no way on dealing with them. Items such Zephyr and Ice born Guantlet just seems unfair to deal with as an ad carry, add in Blade of the ruin king and they can perpetually slow you,heal and move faster.
With flash on a higher cool down and bruiser getting all this amazing gear, you, as an ad carry need next-level positioning skills.