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Can anyone gimmie a build for a support Blitzcrunk?
Start: Boots + ward + redpot
First back (ideal): Philo or HoG, depending on lane situation. More wards.
First back (less than ideal): components to Philo or HoG, depending on lane situation. Wards.
Subsequent backs: Finish other GP5. Upgrade boots when possible to either move5 or move5. Yes. I said move5 twice. Very rarely will you get anything else, merc and tabi being the alternatives. Wards. Oracle's if safe and/or stomping.
Build so far: Boots(upgraded) + Philo + HoG. This should be around early-mid game.
Mid game: Start building towards Shurelia's. Wards. If game is going really, REALLY, well, get a sheen before Shurelia's for extra damage, but still get that redcrystal upgrade. More wards. If necessary, skip sheen for glacial shroud. More wards. You should finish Shurelia's around the 20 minute mark at latest. Did I mention more wards?
Build so far: Boots(upgraded) + Shurelia's + HoG + Sheen/Glacial. This should happen around 25-30 minutes in at tops.
Late game: Upgrade into FrozenHeart if Glacial. Start Glacial if sheen. Work towards Randuin when it seems necessary, usually around 30 minute mark is when it starts being crucial. Wards, wards, wards, wards. Never forget the goddamn wards. Vision is a team's, and a blitz pull's, best friend. Once Glacial and Randuins are complete, finish Trinity if the game manages to last that long. Build it in one go though, cause you need that last slot for WARDS DAMNIT.
Final build: Boots(upgraded) + Shurelia's + Randuin's + Trinity + FrozenHeart + WARDS WARDS WARDS EVERYWHERE. Never have full slots as the support. It means you have no wards, and as such have now lost the main reason why you were even supporting in the first place.
That build will work 99 out of 100. It's pretty safe, pretty versatile, and generally will be all you need. Substitute Randuin's by selling HoG for MR against AP heavy or assassin-less teams by mid-late game. FrozenHeart not necessary unless heavy bruiser and AD heavy comp. But that's like every comp in existence now, so you'll pretty much always get it.