Except when your carry is useless trash. Tbh everyone who is worse ADC than I am is both useless and trash. :|
Also, I'd get Aegis before Frozen/Randuins
Not sure why you'd get q in lane at all unless you're being shat on, it's not really worth it. Just alternate with w-e-w-e until they're both maxed out, if you have vayne/kog then max w first.
I've literally played with horrifyingly bad AD's and simple pointers like Don't do that do this makes a world of good. And Junglers unless their AP junglers get aegis. Always. Watch OddOne for instanse. He builds Boots double GP10 Then gets an aegis. On pretty much everyone he plays regardless. Double aegis is useless.
And I usually tell my jungler to pick up aegis because im gonna be our ad's peeling pet.
At my elo it's just easier to deny the enemy ADC since I know their support and my ADC is useless.
Agreed. Tbh I'm thinking that I start playing Talon/LB/someone support just to maximise the effectiveness... :|
(Or pink roam Taric!)