I didn't rage. I just told my opinion/argument, etc.

You didn't write a 150+ word application.

Read previous posts. You don't even deserve to be here because of not reading.

Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
If you really want to be here then write an application with 150 words and up (not counting the application form).

Noticed the bold? Next time learn to read.

Face the rejection and don't spam here.

ulus: It doesn't matter how good is he or how nice he is ingame. It's all because:

Forum > ingame

It's a good bonus though. But yeah at accepting people forum is all that matters.
Last edited by Uberis; May 17, 2011 at 04:17 PM.
ok srsly what did i really do wrong i gave compliments to you and the clan i never insulted you or did this clan wrong in any way so like ulus said you could use the extra members
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no your not allowed anymore your just fucking stupid
ill explain better i guess
Any special ingame actions? Run? Dance?:
Are you Forum active?(more then 100 or more posts):
Are you Ingame active?:
What is your best\favorite mod?:
Why should we pick you?:
What do you have to offer this clan?:
(optional)your favorite type of music?:
Bans or Infractions:
Previous Clans:
Do you make any art? Videos?:
Anything els you want to say or we should know?:
2 classic.tbm replays
2 Multiplayer replays


Any special ingame actions? Run? Dance?:Runing is my thing
Are you Forum active?(more then 100 or more posts):i am forum active (exept prev account hacked)
Are you Ingame active?:Yup , i am ingame active and on the forum when im waiting in long lines..............
What is your best\favorite mod?:Aikido is my favourite but judo is the mod i rule in.
Why should we pick you?:Active ,good team player ,always friendly and never trying to piss people off.......
What do you have to offer this clan?:I have myself to offer to this clan and donations that ultimately comes with joy.Belt:Blue
Age:15 born on the 30/10/1995
(optional)your favorite type of music?:Alternative, I also like de pesch mode
Bans or Infractions:none
Previous Clans:Aeon,Oblivn,doc
Do you make any art? Videos?:im good at making textures and im more of the artistic type ,but only if i have the spare time.
Anything els you want to say or we should know?: Lol ,just to say again that my account was hacked (warpuppet) and that im a South-African
2 classic.tbm replays
2 Multiplayer replays
Last edited by airstrike6; May 17, 2011 at 03:34 PM.
Originally Posted by MindSwiped View Post
ok srsly what did i really do wrong i gave compliments to you and the clan i never insulted you or did this clan wrong in any way so like ulus said you could use the extra members

Are you a douche or something. I said don't respond anymore.

We don't need your shit compliments. It doesn't incrase your chances getting in. Saying cool clan doesn't give you any chances of getting in.
Let me tell why were you rejected:

- Shit application
- Posting without permission
- Not reading previous posts
- Bad grammar
- Shit post count
- Random compliments (Nobody likes random compliments before applying)

No we don't need an extra member who shows douchebagary. Ingame doesn't matter now. It doesn't matter how good you are becausewhen you are applying for a clan all that matters is maturity, grammar, contribution and...

forum > ingame

Deal with the fact that you are rejected and stop posting.
before i never post here again i want to leave you this question.

Why randomly calling people fucking stupid if you misspelt stupid and edited it again?

Life is tough as it is we all know it some people makes mistakes and some people make less

btw its not going to make any differnce calling me fucking stupid cause that only make your own rep. suffer as it is and if you dont have sumthing good to say to sum1 just rather say nothing,ok

Life is short and make the best of it btw cya guys ,cya ulus

May my Sins be relieved............................
GUYS calm the FUCK down he's not in end of story i don't want to see anymore posts in application if there not a real application being discussed
Those applications are for what? If you feel the guy is cool so invite him you can kick him if
he will be stupid idiot, test him IN GAME! not only forums.
I have one little question:
Why Uberis still tellin us what we must do. Ub3r you arent clan ldr, i wont listen you, if you want change world to be better do it in your clan. Im fucking tired of reading your ideas.
MindSwiped, airstrike just tell that to complete the application, he dont say stupid idiot on you.
Ok thats all. Ub3r im not fighting with you. i just saying what i feel about you.
Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.
hey btw the only "dibshit" around here is you.ur probally some fat kid sitting on ur chair with your dick hanging out --->Airstrike
and you cant spell stupid lawl

Fish Moderated Message:
User awarded a one day ban for insulting other members.
Last edited by Fish; May 20, 2011 at 03:27 AM.
.. ok i spelled both dipshit and stupid correctly but im stupid and i'm not fat i have a life so just go fuck yourself never post here again and go suck 3 BAGS of dicks and get the fuck out
*Carbon don't get mad at me he started it*