Clan event (RAM only)
ok, since I see that we are getting more inactive, I think that I will make an event to get us all woken up
In this event, you will join into partners for this in game event.
Players will try to make the best replay they can together in game, no editing allowed. Make a room and password it, and when your partner gets there tell them the password so they can get in.
Once you have made your replay, post it here and the leader that was there with you while making it has to post confirming they saw you making the replay.
Each group is only allowed one entry.
1000 match frames
10 turn frames
1000 engage distance
No dq
-30,0,0 gravity
No grab
No dojo
No dismemberment
Reaction time is whatever you wish
A leader must be there to make sure there is no cheating
First place: 12k (6k each)
Second place: 8k (4k each)
No third place
Judges: vexon459, iRyzq-80, Darkshadow8
Judges are allowed to compete, but they cannot grade their own replay
Fluidity x/5
Brutality x/5
Creativity x/5
TOTAL x/15
vexon459 - Barreta
entry: N/A
Last edited by vexon459; May 24, 2010 at 12:30 AM.