I implied that it was a possibility. I never told you to join.

"Originally Posted by WolfIce"
"Originally Posted by link8"

"About your last post on secret recruactment. I know you never TOLD me to join. You just ment I should join." <---- HIS QUOTES

"Just try not to assume things." <---- MY RESPONSE

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT WOLFE >.< IF YOU WOULD HAD NEVER TOLD ME ALL THEM THINGS ABOUT THE CLAN I WOULDN'T HAVE APPLIED TO SOON NOW YOU PAY UP SOOO. Gimme both of your void flames thanks alot bro." <---- how horrible he responds to a mistake on HIS part.
Last edited by Wolfe; May 19, 2011 at 12:14 AM.
I say no to link8

i dont like his drama.
and he seens to quit a clan every week.

and apollo just because you didn't joined again,dont means you have to be jealous about other people joining,just go away plz.

Originally Posted by Apollo View Post
Link, dude they told you no and rejected you lol stop posting.

I too have to stop lol Bye bye

Please dont interfiere in the voting. The ammount of "no" can still be broken by "yes".

But sorry link, I too am gonna have to say "no".
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

I'm going to say no too, mainly because you talk way to much, and don't seem to think about what you're saying when you first say it. and the whole clan history thingy and ya
OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
Rootz Are you serious?
Im kinda surprised really
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Hmmmm strange o and about the wolfice post thing I was joking about that I kinda always joke about him giving me his flames I wasn't serious. Anyways I was on yesterday I seen you on satus I tried to catch you on the server but you left >.>. I can't belieave that I got a yes but if there is anything I have to do at all Anything, well almost anything tell me I will be as loyal to this clan if I'm in it or not. Reason: Because my friend wolfice is in it and thesecret and jc. EDIT: Narhawl I don't quit a clan every week >.> I only quit a clan if it has been inactive for like 3weeks and I am still trying to increases it's activity. I did that with KiLa and DaF. But thats not the reason I left DaF, I left DaF because I had to do somethings that DaF would not agree on.
Last edited by link8; May 19, 2011 at 02:02 PM.