Originally Posted by chamara View Post
Could you post Star's app? I'm curious.

I can't find it, but let's just say it took me a few scrolls to get to the end of it.
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items
Star's app was so big, that I had to use 45 minutes of my time to read everything.
Frost is pretty cool
Naw he's just amazing.
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items
Even though three words would have been more than enough to let everyone scream yes.

Also why are you guys discussing Star everywhere I look?
Why aren't you discussing Star everywhere you look?
Also I guess we should stop having our own little chats in the application thread. xD
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items

Do not fear. here's more informations about Star
For further questions about him, take a look at the general chat thread and/or talk to Kamura. he will be answering as soon as possible

and yes let's stop the chat here

I am Eason and I am here to apply for Raku. I recently got active again after a long break from Toribash. My last clan was Guardians and they kicked me as I was inactive at that time, but, my ingame, forum and IRC activity had increased tremendously now. My reason for joining is because i have a friend called 'Kamura'. I knew him since the beginning and he was a nice guy. I'm also here to improve my knowledge and skill in toribash.

Personally, I am not a good texture or a video maker. My favorite mod is aikidobigdojo and I found it fun to play. My last infraction was on January 2011 and a 1 day ban on dec 18 2010 but all of them had expired.

By the way, I'm 16 and my GMT is +8(Asia).

Have any questions? Need help? PM me!