hector... if i buy $30 (300k) of tc, can i have pure force and blood instead of a gold/ecto set?

and i found this shop just by you, but if you can, refer my 2% to Ofilusion.

...if i buy, which hopefully i will after christmas
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You've sent 100000 toricredits to Xego
You've sent 100000 toricredits to Snorlaxen
You've sent 265000 toricredits to Killa_Kyiris
You've sent " Ecto Blood, Ecto DQ, Ecto Emote, Ecto Force, Ecto Ghost, Ecto Grip, Ecto Left Hand Motion Trail, Ecto Left Leg Motion Trail, Ecto Primary Gradient, Ecto Relax, Ecto Right Hand Motion Trail, Ecto Secondary Gradient, Ecto Timer, Ecto Torso, Ecto User Text, Ecto Right Leg Motion Trail" items to Killa_Kyiris
Hi, I would very much like to buy:

$30 = 300k + 20k!

But the problem is, I do not have paypal. Is it possible to transfer the money with a credit card? If you do not own a credit card, maybe one of your parents or real life friends do?

For the possible trouble you will have to go through, i would not even ask for the promos you are offering (gold/ecto full in this case).
Whoop Whoop
Hmm.. I've asked people and yes, there are taxes.. But how big are they? Probably like 2-3 dollars from 30$? That wouldn't be a problem for me if i'm getting 300k TC o_O

Excuse me, i'm not from the UK/USA.
Last edited by Magix; Dec 29, 2008 at 12:32 PM.
Whoop Whoop