This is why I eat organic beef.I rarely eat beef, but when I do, It's organic.Wild Game FTW.
I think what loshi was trying to say is that, we are occustom to animals like cows and chickens dieing only in the factory ratherthan the natural way they are meant to die if humans never cultivated them (i.e.: predators, old age, disease) and before you stop and say: OH BUT HUMANS ARE COWS PREDATORS!, ill just say that humans only eat meat because they like the taste and our bodies have become dependant on it, but we arent meant to (refer to my first post in this thread #28 ) so we arent really meant to be their predators anyway.
why do people get shocked at this stuff but not at the fact that they are putting dead, usually old, meat of chikens,cows and lambs in their mouths everyday?
People say that meat is neccessary for human life, but lets take a step back here. The intestine of carnivorous animals is very short, the meat they eat isn't meant to give them slow burning energy, just boosts of it for rapid hunts/get-aways.
whereas the human intestine is very long, our digestive system is designed to give us energy to perform low-energy tasks for a long period of time. Vegetables and fruit are perfect food for this, and before you jump up and say that vegetarians are usually alot more tired than people who eat meat are I want to point out that this is what is meant to be normal, the people who eat meat have extra (usually uneccessary) energy, plus if you think that not having the energy from the proteins in meat is a problem, its easy enough to take iron tablets.
If you think the procces which delivers the meat to your plates is bad but eating it after isnt then you are very ignorant
This is wrong on so many levels. Intestine length has nothing to do with how your body stores energy. Also protein does not provide a useful amount of energy, it is used by the body as a building material for organs/muscles/etc. Also, herbivores have a constant supply of plant matter to eat, while carnivores usually get one huge meal every week or so(depends on the animal, but you get my point). Logically, this leads to the conclusion that your opinion is completely wrong and that meat gives more sustained energy, while plants give less sustainable energy.
If you guys want to see real suffering, look up "3 guys 1 hammer." DO NOT if you are of a nervous disposition, or, just to protect myself, under 18 years of age.
I'm sure these chicks are terrified throughout their whole lives. Yet for those animals who survive past this and into true understanding, what we as humans have finally managed to achieve, it is infinitely more horrible. We can empathize with our fellow creatures, but we will still do whatever it takes to protect our own, for the loss of them would be an infinitely more horrible fate for ourselves.
intestine length is relative to the amount of energie, nutrience and waste we consume so yeah it is to do with how much energie our body stores.
protein contains catalysts that are vital to our metabolism so in essence protien provides us with a way to provide us with a useful amount of energy. the energy produced by herbivores is slow burning and, since as you mentioned they eat alot of it, constant; so they can always be alert of danger. Carnivores eat as you said only once every so often and since the meat they eat is meant for quick and fast burning energy so they sleep alot and only use the energy for a hunt every so often, the hunt consisting of a large amount of meat.
These are chicks, they're rather uncivilized. I for one don't care that they're slaughtered by the dozen in a factory, in this case they're bred for the purpose so it's not removing them from the ecosystem, as they've never been in it. Therefore, I don't really care.
Chicken =/ Human. Don't care.