Original Post
[BISH] Banner Bonanza

Oh noes, we seem to have lost our banner.
So i guess you have to make us a new one.
Check our thread for info on the ORG

A good size is around 500x300
(this is not a requirement, just a guideline, feel free to make it bigger / smaller)
It has to have "BISH" in it, all capitals.
Otherwise, its completely up to you

You have until October 31st
No stealing of Ideas / entries
Must Fully Depict the epicness of the org
Should contain some sort of slogan, There must be no duplicate slogans, This is most unnacceptable
Maximum of 3 entries per person, Feel free to swap them out

15k for the winner
10k for second place

Additional Info
Event idea by BkRabbit
Yes i know that it wouldnt be a syntax error
If there is an entry with the same Slogan as yours, the second person that submitted it gets there entry disqualified. Be creative
Last edited by Chickenpox; Oct 2, 2009 at 04:09 AM.
Originally Posted by Dirtnapp View Post
nah the text its self is to broken and patchy its not my fav tbh.

Are you the leader of the organisation for which these banners are being created for?

[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
KK, so the time has come for the winners
15k for the winner
10k for second place

The 15k goes to....
SANO, for his 1st entry
2nd place, and 10k goes to...
3rd and no prize goes to AlphasoniK
Text was too illegible, but nonetheless it was awesomeness

Thanks everyone for participating and thanks for the killer banners guys :3
Last edited by Chickenpox; Nov 6, 2009 at 12:12 AM.