and the cop was having a bad day so she was tazed, pepper sprayed, then tazed again for good measure before being arrested and sent to jail where....
iCoF l OLDA l OoT
Where all the hard ass butch jail chicks did unspeakable things to her...

Such as plat her hair! And Play PattyCake! Because It was a junior offenders aged 4 to 9 penetentrium.

She went crazy on the chocolate schoops they had at lunch and became reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaalllllllly fat, untill the place was too small to house her and collapsed, her now being a freewoman... well a free GODZILLASIZEDFATASS! she decided to....
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
ate more cakes becouse she was driving her Car called Omega , the fastest car of the world , then\/
Last edited by Supernada; Oct 11, 2009 at 04:42 PM.
(crashed my omega ¬¬')...

this person has broken his neck.. but he didn't died , becouse, he was.. the BANANA ZoMbIe