Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
They were NOT magical, fuck the alien theories with them. THEY WERE MATH GENIUS'S AND THEY FOUND THAT EVERYTHING HAS SOME SORT OF CYCLE BY OBVIOUSLY OBSERVING DAY, NIGHT, SEASONS, CONSTELLATION PATHS, SUN CYCLES AND FLIGHT PATHS, LIFE AND DEATH, and GEOMETRY. The Mayans were obliterated by some massive Natural Event, they did not escape to this so called Atlantis that was sunk and may actually exist without the retarded so called mega advanced civilization

This so-called natural event was called the 'European Invasion', learn South American history, friend. And the Mayans were not mathematical geniuses, not when compared to the Egyptians or Greeks, for example. And the Mayans have absolutely no influence on Global Warming so please shut the fuck up.
Originally Posted by SLAPPED View Post
This so-called natural event was called the 'European Invasion', learn South American history, friend. And the Mayans were not mathematical geniuses, not when compared to the Egyptians or Greeks, for example. And the Mayans have absolutely no influence on Global Warming so please shut the fuck up.

If I still had moderator powers I'd infract you for being a spiteful prick, and then kindly ask you to behave accordingly. Your posts are just as bothersome to read as that dudes.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
Of course they hold no influence on this non existent enemy.
For example the Mayans had 0, a fact the the Greeks hated the thought of nothing they did not have 0, so their math was limited. Egyptians math was probably just as technical maybe even more, but they did jack shit with it. Look at those pyramids, Anyone with half a mind can create something as sturdy as a that, but the Mayans and their pyramids. Their architecture is the most complex pieces of work since Chinese architecture.
It was the Spaniards to be exact and it turns out that only one city was destroyed by a natural disaster while a neighboring city was safe and had about 500, 000 people in it.

Again Global Warming is bull shit.
Last edited by T0ribush; Jan 14, 2010 at 06:49 PM.
Fuck this. I'm not looking at this thread again. I feel like I'm losing brain cells every second I'm exposed to the user above me.

I would like 'sheer stupidity' to become a bannable offense.
Originally Posted by steve View Post

Global warming is a byproduct of humanities carelessness when using and obtaining natural resources. Something along the lines of "I just need to find one thing in this closet before I can continue on with my day" but instead of patiently looking and searching for said thing you need to obtain, you throw all your stuff around, stomp on it, and then take a shit right on it as it lays helpless in the dirt.

Our collective stubborness has led us to outright refuse alternate energy methods. And don't tell me I'm wrong. Our governments have bargained and made deals with the oil companies to make more "enviromentally friendly" oils and gasoline. But it doesn't matter. The only permanent solution is to pursue an alternative energy source that has nothing to do with burning oil. We either do it now, or we'll be telling our grandchildren how beautiful the sky looked on a nice summer day, rather then if you walk outside, you get your flesh burned off and then eaten by some motherfucking mutant worm crow things.

(if I see one tl;dr I will hunt you down like fucking Batman)

Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
They were NOT magical, fuck the alien theories with them. THEY WERE MATH GENIUS'S AND THEY FOUND THAT EVERYTHING HAS SOME SORT OF CYCLE BY OBVIOUSLY OBSERVING DAY, NIGHT, SEASONS, CONSTELLATION PATHS, SUN FLIGHT PATHS, LIFE AND DEATH, and GEOMETRY. The Mayans were probably attacked by a tsunami or something and only a few hundred made it out alive.

They had ziggurats other than Pyramids and actual cities.

I am aware that our gravity keeps our atmosphere intact, but without the magnetosphere our dynamo our atmosphere could be thinned by solar winds.

Sorry, I didn't mean the whole contenant Antarctica. I mean't the coastal line.

The sun only has to be slightly brighter to greatly effect our climate. Which gives me reason to believe that Global Warming A Human By-Product is bull shit.

Dalir he's probably a misanthropist.

War_Hero more than half of the planet is ill informed reason being is that Politics is behind everything and we all should know by now that Politics is fucked and always was and still is.

Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
Of course they hold no influence on this non existent enemy.
For example the Mayans had 0, a fact the the Greeks hated the thought of nothing they did not have 0, so their math was limited. Egyptians math was probably just as technical maybe even more, but they did jack shit with it. Look at those pyramids, Anyone with half a mind can create something as sturdy as a that, but the Mayans and their pyramids. Their architecture is the most complex pieces of work since Chinese architecture.
It was the Spaniards to be exact and it turns out that only one city was destroyed by a natural disaster while a neighboring city was safe and had about 500, 000 people in it.

Again Global Warming is bull shit.

Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
Fuck this. I'm not looking at this thread again. I feel like I'm losing brain cells every second I'm exposed to the user above me.

I would like 'sheer stupidity' to become a bannable offense.

For once War Cry, I agree with you.

First off just a lil english 101, you cant be attacked by a tsunami!!!!!! and the Mayans were not wiped out by a natural disaster, but by the Spanish,Dont play the history card unless you know it! and the feat of the Egyptians is not in the sturdiness of their structures, you tool! but the Mere fact that they built them in a time where any thing of the sourt had ever been done before! get it right, lose the ignorance, its not a good colour on you.
I'm just saying the Egyptians did little with their complex math.

I already said the Spaniards and only one city was destroyed by a natural disaster.

Some Mayan architecture is just as massive as some Egyptian architecture, but more complex and to me that is a feat beyond anything the Egyptians have done.

Global Warming is something one can make billions off of.
Last edited by T0ribush; Jan 14, 2010 at 07:31 PM.
I'm breaking my promise to not post in here so I can break your face with some logic.

If anything, denying global warming is far more profitable. If what we have been taught is true, global warming is primarily caused by the use of fossil fuels in industry. Now, cut back on the use of fossil fuels and you get three other main options.
The first: Solar power. Infinite energy, constantly bombarding the planet. It is probably the best candidate, except for one teeny tiny problem. It is not a finite resource like oil.
You determine the value of something by comparing supply to demand. If there is less of it, and more people want it, it is more valuable. IF IT IS MORE VALUABLE, YOU GET MORE MONEY FROM SELLING IT. (While I'm beating this into your low capacity headfilling...Mayans, mayans, mayans. Were not magical)
Second option is wind power. Once again, not very profitable.
Third: Hydro power.

The point is that all the natural power sources will basically be a last resort, due to only one thing: greed.
Money makes the world go round. The only conceivable way that global warming could outweigh the profitability of our current system is government taxing on emissions.
Last edited by Warcry; Jan 14, 2010 at 08:36 PM.
Hmm reading through these posts I'm starting to wonder: T0ribush: will your life end in 2012?

Anyways the global warming is being produced by mass industries, which is a fact.
They basically fill our atmosphere with carbon dioxide (CO2) which causes a shield against thermal change.
It acts like a one sided mirror: it lets the solar beams in the atmosphere but it prevents them to leave, same goes for the heat the foton's bring.
Also the mass carbon dioxide producing damages our ozone layer so the solar beams are less filtered.
That's why it's dangerous to stay on the sun on hot days, because the sunbeams have ultra violet radiation which can cause skin cancer.
You'll also get fried like a crab.

Also T0ribush: I'd like if you'd depend more on facts and less on some movie you saw.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

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Does anyone know of the last "Global xxxx" theory? That was Global Dimming
That theory went straight down the toilet
I don't think that Global Warming is going to happen, but i am still open to the possiblity.
Ironically, is Global Warming is true, it will cause an ice age :/
[19:32] <@darilu-kun> tori = furry, bash = pride