As for the effects it has on your brain - that varies. I've known stoners who are perfectly normal people, but i've also known people who are so high most of the time that they aren't motivated to do anything with themselves - and most of those cases are also totally adamant that it doesn't affect their life.
Sure, weed can be great, but anyone who doesn't think it's damaging their health is an idiot.[/QUOTE]
Hmm i dont know about the effects on the brain, people i know that smoke cannabis tend to get pretty openminded, and think about allot more then just life on a day by day base, like just doing your job, eating, having sex, sleeping and basically not thinking any further then a primate.
So maybe it does something to your motivation but why? because you start to understand other aspects of life? You could see it as a bad thing, but you could also just see it and realize what their true feelings are when they are completely and utterly relaxed, instead of ready to be jumping trough a hoop just the way they were trained to do from birth.
It is easy to judge people, when you use social standards. But just remember you were tought these social standards, you didnt think them up, it doesnt necessarily make you smart or correct to repeat the words that were thought to you. But it is easy because the majority repeats it, waiting for a pat on the shoulders. Just because everyone thinks its right doesnt make it right, that is the difference between true intelligence and knowing what people want to hear. A monkey is also able to repeat actions when trained.
Demotivation in a world like this is the most healthy thing i ever heared about. ( This doesnt mean i am a pessimist )
Btw i am aware of the fact that hicks died of cancer
anyway I think he had a better way of putting it in perspective.
Also sure it can be damaging for your health, but what cant? If you drink to much water youll drown. And 1 person gets cancer without smoking and the other smokes of the age of 13 and lives till 107. The day you start living is the day you start dying, nothing could be more true.
Also just want to make clear that this is just my opinion and perspective on things, didnt mean to especially offend anyone, but i kind of felt like it needed to be put up here.
Last edited by Squiziph; Jan 19, 2010 at 09:47 PM.