Original Post
Translate word. Get TC. (French, Spanish, German, Italian)

First to give me a proper translation of the following words get 10k for each sentence.

Exit Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Conexion Wi-Fi de Nintendo en linea Salir de la Conexión Wi-Fi de Nintendo - JonNario
Online linea En Linea - Ryukendo99
save guardar un Guardar - Carloz01
error code Error de Codigo Código de error - Ryukendo99

hampa wins hampa Siege hampa gewinnt - wiirus

error code Erreur du code code d'erreur - Ryukendo99

error code codice de error ?

*Strike out text is the current incorrect translation.

Please do NOT use google translate. If you don't know for sure and are 100% certain... don't guess.

Thanks everybody for the help.

If you think the translation is wrong and know a better one. PLEASE let me know. This include "playername gewinnt".
Last edited by hampa; Jan 20, 2010 at 09:12 AM.
Originally Posted by RevengR View Post
in german, i think (playername) hat gewonnen is more right. just saying.

That would be "Hampa won."
French translation
Hello Hampa, this is Blap again, I just translated in French your other thread,

so now I am doing this one for you:

Exit Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection: Quitter la connexion Wi-Fi Nintendo
Online: En ligne
Save: Sauvegarder
Error code: Code d'erreur

By the way, I have done some translation jobs in the past, so honestly if you have anything French to English or English to French stuff to be done, just ask directly it'll be my pleasure

Blap,I think that Exit Nintendo Wi-fi Connection is Quitter la connexion Nintendo Wi-fi.
Also,error code=codice d'erreur?
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Originally Posted by demon0092 View Post
Blap,I think that Exit Nintendo Wi-fi Connection is Quitter la connexion Nintendo Wi-fi.
Also,error code=codice d'erreur?

I'm fairly certain it's "quitter" as well.