Very stiff throughout the replay. On that 1st kick, the leg extended a bit too soon. Pause at frames 970: If you can accurately predict how far/long/etc a bodypart can go with just 10 match frames during a middle of an MP match, then your skills would be very well-balanced.
- Take it easy, it's sparring. Don't crazily "contract-extend-contract-extend again" your "leg", hitting your opponent while your body is in a rigid position.
Now talk about balance.
- That first kick was epic but the landing was crap /= . Be sure to have a supporting league at all times to back-up the attacking league.
- Even though that kick was good and all, it was still stiff. The arms were in the same position for quite a while, but you may not notice it. But of course, it may be a 'holding' style of yours.
- If you can learn to stay realistically balanced, you can make any spar feel realistic.
- Don't overpower your hits as it could get imbalanced.
- Don't rush it, make your punches and kicks real. If you see your hits are about to miss, you can adjust it but there's a chance that the results may be bad. So instead you can just have it miss your opponent, as if the opponent luckily dodged it.
- I believe that the hips + knees are very important when it comes to being realistic.
In my edited replay of yours, pause at frame: 970.
Compare the difference from your original replay, to my edited one. You will see the big difference in movement for making use of hold & relax together.
Last edited by Dragenon; Jul 1, 2010 at 09:21 PM.