Originally Posted by FireRose View Post
So... you skipped:
1. DasSofa (page 3)
2. Ekidoxx (page 4)
3. PieDude223 (page 4)
4. LikeAStar (page 4)

someone more? :P

im sorry ive skipped these, even tho i posted in the first post that some may be skipped.

ive been trying to knock out some of the more easyer ones but ill start on dassofas' first. and catch up.
Originally Posted by FaiLxD View Post
you cant send tga flats.

1) You can upload to rapidshere or another sort of that sites
2) Png and bmp has the same quality of .tga
3) If you use Ps you can make the quality maxed for jpg(so it looks like png and bmp)(idk if in gimp work too)
Last edited by Krzysiu397; Apr 13, 2010 at 11:00 PM. Reason: Grammar
"Yes it's true I'm the chosen one, only I can't own tori premie"
Yes you can make free tc
Not even.
All you need to do is go to and upload it, then in a pm type [IM G]<link of the picture>[/IM G] without the spaces of course. Then it sends him/ her the flat.
[Colon 3]
hey failxd are u going in order because i believe im close but u just did dassofa which was on like 4th page and im in the middle of the 5th page kid of and u did like people right before me
lol doesn't really matter what type of order she goes in. just be patient that's all =] because after all this is her thread so she can go in any order she wants really xD
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