Originally Posted by
Your opinion is wrong.
If i "present my opinion" on how I see it possible for the sun to be a cube, I should expect to be made a laughing stock unless i prove concrete evidence (which you didn't do).
No, nothing is "presumed" about facts of basic biology - they have been continuously verified throughout human history and in the labs. Do you know how many starving men and women lived throughout history? You know how much "fasting training" they received? All the peasants? The serfs? The Russians in Leningrad blockade? Yeah, no one magically lost the need to eat. Would be damn nice though.
It's you who "places faith" in as of yet unproven ridiculous claims.
Complete strawman.
Our ability to build complex machinery is a result of a long evolution of our cognitive abilities AND collection of human knowledge. Everything we make now is thanks to knowledge we've collected over thousands of years. Give a million Cro-Magnons a single lifetime to develop and build a car, and none of them will succeed - because it's impossible.
Also, why do you think we even need to build airplanes? couldn't we just "evolve to fly"?
THERE IS A DIFFERENCE between outright starvation and "starvation exercise", a practice known as fasting.
MOST PEOPLE dont even fast at all, all year round, in developed civilization and have no real valid opinion on the matter if they base their answers solely in biology and not even think to look into other explanations such as training and potential of mind-over-matter.
Using outright starvation, as training, as an argument is invalid, as it inherently neglects the "exercise" factor of training.
If, for 12 years from birth, a boy trains by fasting for increasing periods of time over time, he would eventually have trained to require minimal food and drink until, by age 12, he could continually live without either.
If he were outright deprived and never allowed to eat or drink when his body absolutely required during training, he would have died before he could begin.
I am agreeing that it needs to be proven yet, but i am disagreeing that it is outright impossible.
If we ever needed to fly, wouldnt we have evolved wings?
Edit: for lulz here, does anyone else find my user name showing up in this thread kind of ironic?
Man has fasted for 70 years
by SuicideDo
Last edited by SuicideDo; Jun 2, 2010 at 06:43 AM.