Belt(minimum black):black belt 1dan
Posts(minimum 50):61
Why Do you want to join:becase this clan is awsome and m a kila
What can you offer us:tc
Any previous clans:hug ,flip ,wind ,gore
Belt(minimum black): 1 dan Black Belt (1803 Qi)
Posts(minimum 50): At this moment I have 243
Why Do you want to join: andrew9402 asked me if I wants to join the Clan
What can you offer us: If I have time and inspiration, sometimes I making textures.
Any previous clans: Arrow (after forum hacked, clan did not rise again.)
Hmm, Seems Valid
You need to improve your english a bit, but a Yes from me
You thought you can kill me? Well I am already dead. So Fuck you and your inbred son in law.
I invited him so i say yes!
we shold make like that:
3 yes and 0 no = you're in
2 yes and 1 or more no = need to be tested from the people that sayed no to you.
Last edited by andrew9402; Jan 4, 2011 at 11:56 AM.