Christmas Lottery
For raku it would have been a definite yes from me, not that it matters now :P
Welcome to the allies star & the rest of raku
Drinking coffee and not contributing to society are just two of my many talents.
Reguesting Single or Clan ally: Single
Your name/Clan name: Picket
Why do you want to be an ally: I am the brother of qoOlolOop. Though I could not join with my alt I think that I will make a good ally.
Clan board/Discussion link(for clan ally requests):
What's your main so I can add him ?
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Reguesting Single or Clan ally:single
Your name/Clan name:masterx3
Why do you want to be an ally:this clan is dieing i think i can help something
Clan board/Discussion link(for clan ally requests):