Re: Tell a funny story about yourself.
i have another story
when i was like... 5or 6 i used to hang around at my friends house alot, and we were playing tig and i was running away from him, straight into the corner of a brick pillar, i had stitches.
another time when i used to skate i was trying to ollie a kerb and i slipped and whached my chin, it bled loads and i was left with these strange white spots for ages.
my last one is very personal to me as it was the worst. when i was 3 coming onto 4 i went on holiday to wales with my family, we were staying overnight in a hotel, where we got double booked so we had to sleep in a grotty summer house. i was playing tig (it seems all my scars have come from tig) with my sister i was on some stairs and i poked my head through the banister and they snapped, i fell off onto the floor and a nail in the banister ripped my lip apart. i have vertigo from that experience.