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Yea, I have a better strategy for my rushing thanks to a friend of mine who helped me, but this is a probably very used and standard rush strategy.
10 supply
12 rax
13 refinery
14 3 more rax
then 4 marines
16 factory and rax tech
22 nother refinery
but by then I'm pretty much done with rushing. XD
i hate rushing
just had an awsome game about 1 and a half hour...
i tore up a fast ghost academy at metalopolis....
he dropped a hidden factory and doubble gas...so i straight walked into a tank with my ghosts... i had to close up so dropped an expo directly at the gold
he didnt notice it and so i could almos mine it out i closed up with the tech and had mass marauder medivac siegetank ghost against mass heavy metal...
marauder turned everything to goo....
i could hold the line very long and contain then he sniped my gold expo and the natural...
built em up again...contained forward.... made a mistake(i lost 12 ghosts cause i didnt cloak them in time
) had to fall back he took the other gold and two expos... now i played defensive .... i had aboput 20siege tanks he about 40... all bases were mined out and i lostcause he had more overmins... awsome game...