Originally Posted by GenkiSudo View Post
Well... I'm an atheist, but I personally think that Christianity was adulterated over the years, and many "supposedly forbidden" forms paganisms were introduced to it by the roman empire, an empire with some strong roots of paganism... Roman paganism. All the days of festival, the cults (Like the Mithraism for example), and all the Saints. (remember, for most of monotheist religions having saints is a blasphemy, and you still have them nowadays in Christianity! Specially in the Roman Catholic Church)
It was a roman the guy that ordered the death of Jesus Christ, Poncio Pilatus, then the romans took over the Christian religious movement, his followers.
Ever since, many mundane and nasty things have happened in the history of Christianity.
From the way to spread Christianity, to the Indulgences. A lot of corruption and wrong doings.
If you know the history on how Lutheranism was created, you'll know that many wrong things were happening at that time...
You had people burned alive because of their beliefs, Indigenous people striped out of their culture and gods, slaves converted for a easier way to use them, and so on... Christianity has been a tool of the imperial power to reinforce it's sphere of influence over a region much like Spain did with Christianity in the Americas or the Portuguese did with the African colonies.

I think that many bad values are transmitted by the bible and religions, like sexism. You can't even have a woman on the command of the Catholic Church. Not even priestesses...

Many things changed, many things need to change. Most religions just look too imperfect to me to even accept that they' were inspired by anything divine, superior, like a god.

Plus i think that many people consider themselves religious, but they lack in spirituality. Either they look like they're part of some trend/fashion, or they don't really know the nature of what they believe in.

But I'd personally recommend these documentaries:

"Penn & Teller Bullshit: The Bible"

You can find both in the Internet.

PS: The white image of Jesus Christ is in fact based on the face of Pope Alexander VI's second son, Cesare Borgia. Jesus Christ, as a Hebrew, was certainly not some light eyed and light hair colored dude.

Ps2: Check about the document called "Crimen sollicitationis". another dirty little secret about the Vatican.

Quite the argument. I'm glad someone else looks at the more mundane things and questioning their own thoughts rather than accept that what they think MUST be right.

And slipknot; I don't think scourging the Earth of all life save 2 of each animal is doing it because EVERYTHING was 'wicked and sexually immoral'. And that being the case, shouldn't he do it again right now?
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
Originally Posted by Qegola View Post
Quite the argument. I'm glad someone else looks at the more mundane things and questioning their own thoughts rather than accept that what they think MUST be right.

And slipknot; I don't think scourging the Earth of all life save 2 of each animal is doing it because EVERYTHING was 'wicked and sexually immoral'. And that being the case, shouldn't he do it again right now?

Better hold our raincoats ready.
I agree with CMon on both his posts. We need to open our eyes to more than a ticket to paradise or a hole in the ground
oh, oh, oh, the problem evil! lol.
Uhm, like why does satan exist, and hell, and why do bad things happen??
Evil, is the lack of God. Hell is the absence of God. But he's omnipotent! Well that's okay. 10^1000000000 + 0 + 0 + 0 + can add on as much nothingness as you want. Omnipotence + 0 power over this + 0 power over that = still omnipotence.
Originally Posted by Foxie View Post
Omnipotence is impossibility, silly things.

Omnipotence = god.

God = Impossibility.

Just my opinion.
I know it's just your opinion, but could you tell me your reasons for thinking that. Personally I think that the chance of god not existing is very low.
Originally Posted by Chronos View Post
I know it's just your opinion, but could you tell me your reasons for thinking that. Personally I think that the chance of god not existing is very low.

Just like the chances of his existence are very low ;)

That's why its a "debatable" issue... Ever since we recognize ourselves as humans, and I think it will always be like that...

As far as I know and saw, the absence of solid proof is what we have so far after so many years... And for me, that pretty much serves as proof of His non-existence. Plus, even if I somehow try to accept the remote possibility of His ethereal existence, I seriously doubt that He would be close to what the different religions tells us nowadays... Specially because they're all different, and they've been pretty much changing according mainly to man's image and its culture and background.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Why doesn't anyone keep up with my crackpot ideas? They're crazy, but it works...
Omnipotence isn't infinitely powerful. Infinitely powerful = impossible. Everything that exist, in all universes and all dimensions, "All" = All powerful = omnipotence. God = "All". It's a perfect basis for respect and caring. And the absence of existing, the emptiness, is what we avoid. This is why were are drawn together. Why would we risk ourselves to save another? We want to avoid emptiness as much as possible.

GenkiSudo, what would you need as proof? What separates this proof you need from apparent anomalies of science a.k.a. "miracles"? By my idea, existence is proof enough.
Last edited by FNugget; Mar 7, 2008 at 08:46 PM.