“Hey guys, someone is burning jews, wanna come help them“
“Nah dude, they are just a few people who would benefit. Trying to help them by changing the minds of people would be retarded.“
"We'll comeback with a majority amount of people and stop this disgusting act of burning a live human being"
Which they ended up doing. Then ^^^ the minority ended up losing the war.
Also help the jews or the people burning the jews? The jews did benefit from this, in way and you better be talking about the holocaust.
Also this is about Majority and Minorities you just bringing up chaning minds of people not with numbers, but just by changing their minds leads me to think you don't read much properly.
Yes, black people got passed slavery, and discrimination, you know how? POPULATION. There were a lot of black people and there still is to get laws passed for black people.
Gays, there are a lot, but is there enough?
There maybe for a couple of states in America, but to completely sway America you would need a lot of fucking people.
Every homosexual would have to come out and say "This isn't right, we just want the benefits that you give straight married couples!"
Also I hate the use of black people in this thread, agiain they had numbers and they are a WHOLE race, that they were racist against, they couldn't do anything, but work for nothing or very, very, very low wages.
Gays just aren't allowed to marry. How does this even compare to even use that part of history?
That they are jsut being discrimated against, I'm sure there are closer relations in history that this arguement can relate to.
I wouldn't really consider black people a minority even when they were slaves. Sure they had minor to no rights, but their population was defininatly a majority, which is why they came through in history. They were treated like minorities, but they weren't.
The circumstances during the oppression of black people are atleast 20 times the size of the circumstances of a few people wanting to get married.
Last edited by T0ribush; Apr 22, 2011 at 10:25 PM.