Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
What a nice guy
I personally would not have given it back
Maybe credit cards/IDs but I would "forget" the cash

But Im a self-centered douche and probably the minority of people

i concur

my argument is that if you take such little care of your stuff that you lose it, it doesn't deserve to be yours
i named my sandman Charles
Originally Posted by bjdjking View Post
Probably a pair of $60 shoes at school.

Oh once, I lost my pants at school. Just don't ask, k?

That's so impossible we should ask.

Anyways the most expesnive thing i've lost was a 4 wii games 2 xbox 360 games and a regular xbox (not 360) stolen when I was on vacation in florida. For some reason they only took thrillville and gundum, our two worst games. We found out who did it but they didn't go to jail. (Some justice system.)
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
1: I lost the girl. (priceless)
2: I lost a star fox game when I was like 10, I looked for it for years.
Literally, once a month or so I would run around my house for hours and look everywhere... (Probably about $5 now, maybe less).
Was robbed. Two tvs, a xbox 360 slim, more then 1000 dollars worth of games, 180 dollars worth of controllers. Only got one tv back from it all.
So about 3000 dollars lost. Maybe alot more.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
Originally Posted by aracoon View Post
2: I lost a star fox game when I was like 10, I looked for it for years.
Literally, once a month or so I would run around my house for hours and look everywhere... (Probably about $5 now, maybe less).

I love Starfox games \o/ what game was it?

Also I once lost an iPod, not a very expensive one though
oh yeah
Lost a 300€ phone in the woods in winter, but in spring i went looking for it and found it and it worked, so basically nothing lost.
And lost another 300€ phone in the slope this winter, but some random guy found it and i got it back o/
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