Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Patrick_Unrated View Post
Wow I just got -Rep from a thread that has been dead for several weeks. I wish you could see if gives you rep so bad. I would like to Pm that guy and be like WTF?!?!?!

That's a classic example of stalking. Peeps that plow through your posts looking for an excuse to -rep you.
They need rep moderaters who remove stupid reps and give like a +- rep ban
on idiots and there needs to be neatral rep for constuctive critisism

Agreed to some part, although being a rep moderator would be difficult.

I think there should be like a statistic in your profile that shows how many + reps you've given and how many - reps. So people can tell if you're on happy pills or outrageously negative.
Does it matter either way?

I dont check peoples. I dont know who does.

Only reason rep would matter is if you run a shop maybe....but thats a ban if you dont send stuff.
I don't see the point in taking away rep or complaining about it.

It's just there, having rep moderators would be a waste of time as rep doesn't really mean anything, only that you made a few good posts or replays.

Rep has no meaning whatsoever anymore, with all the people giving senseless +reps and -reps. Rep doesn't really tell you anything except the opinion of others about that certain person.

If people take rep seriously (which I have nothing against) I would advise them not to judge people by their rep, rather by their personality when you meet them in-game. You know the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover", well its the exact same concept.

But hey, that's just my opinion
Originally Posted by a_coathanger View Post
Here's the problem


thats the only problem meh freend

Irony. Large font and misspelling, coathanger. :P
I vote get rid of it. Your reputation should be from personal experience. No comment system either. If you don't agree with someone's post, pm them and tell them why. We should do this maturely.
work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after our work is never over
Eh. I don't really care either way. I don't judge people by their rep.. kinda like the karma sys we had, Ducky had liek 118, mostly from people doing it just because he had high karma already


i agree with u there Ishi like just now i had a look at mine and in the last few days i got liek 8 or 9 bad reps its like OMG i dont care its just a pritty red box its not like its going to stop you from posting or anythign so waht is the big deal
Originally Posted by Dexter
if god is with me and if i belived in god and im sure he is in the room with me, i just wish he brought a extention cord