good guy taking down an army of guys by himself.
-Going toward noise you know you should never go toward
-^(Contraster) Leaving noises casually that you know you should either check out or run away from
-(mostly in army movies) When guys on the main protag's team get shot, dies and no one cares at all, but when he or someone hes close to (cares about) gets hurt, and everone loses their shit and goes crazy (crying and what not...)
-Bad guy going to kill someone, but instead of killing them before, something side tracks them, they complete that task, comes back to kill that someone and then completely gets their ass kicked.
-Bad guy about kill good guy, having a long as monologue about reasons or gloating, within time of monologue good guy gets free and escapes or defeats bad guy... -.-
-Asian guys always being good at karate or kung-fu
-Old American movies having a large group of white guys and calling them ninjas
-Black guy always dies first
-Black guy always being "gangsta"
Last edited by Kilcreed; Jun 27, 2011 at 01:48 AM.