Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by ad3556 View Post
black people tilting their hands to the side when they shoot.

That's also white people it is the gangster way of shooting
:):):):):):):):):) A Proud member of TPC/ OLDA
Yea. It's fucking gangsta to turn your hand 90 degrees to the left.

Also, why does people NEVER LOCK THEIR FUCKING CARS!?

They alway just close the door and go somewhere. They never lock it. But still, it's never stolen. We should all make a movie and then keep these noob clichés out.
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..
I have a few things, but for instance, I was watching a snake movie (I don't remember the name), but it was about some over-sized anaconda eating people. A family of 4, husband, wife and 2 sons were all camping out somewhere in the woods when the snake decides he is hungry. He goes to eat them, and the husband is standing outside while the 3 are in the truck, crying and in complete fear like most people would be. The snake eats the guy, and they are still just sitting in the back of the truck looking at the snake. It was about a 5-10 minute battle with the snake that the guy had, and all they did was sit there and watch. I was sitting there watching and I was completely confused why the fuck the other 3 not yet noticed by the snake wouldn't high tail it out of there!

I hate it when stuff like that happens, where the person or whatever can easily get away from a bad guy, but chooses to let fear take over and they get fucked.
-One good guy taking down an army of guys by himself.
-Going toward noise you know you should never go toward
-^(Contraster) Leaving noises casually that you know you should either check out or run away from
-(mostly in army movies) When guys on the main protag's team get shot, dies and no one cares at all, but when he or someone hes close to (cares about) gets hurt, and everone loses their shit and goes crazy (crying and what not...)

-Bad guy going to kill someone, but instead of killing them before, something side tracks them, they complete that task, comes back to kill that someone and then completely gets their ass kicked.
-Bad guy about kill good guy, having a long as monologue about reasons or gloating, within time of monologue good guy gets free and escapes or defeats bad guy... -.-

-Asian guys always being good at karate or kung-fu
-Old American movies having a large group of white guys and calling them ninjas
-Black guy always dies first
-Black guy always being "gangsta"
Last edited by Kilcreed; Jun 27, 2011 at 01:48 AM.
Originally Posted by Airman111 View Post
The following is an example-

Guy1: I hate you!
Guy2: I hate you more!
Guy3: I hate both of you
Guy1&2: Ah, we hate that guy! Lets be best friends forever and kill him!
Guy3: Ono, I'm dead.

^ Whole plot to a movie. I hate this.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

And for me I hate when the enemy has the protagonist at gun point and all of sudden starts telling a fucking story. It pisses me off.
Last edited by HelloBob; Jun 27, 2011 at 02:01 AM.
"The best fighter is not a Boxer, Karate or Judo man. The best fighter is someone who can adapt on any style" - Bruce Lee
Oh yea, when the person running from the monster trips and starts crawling backwards -,- can't they get up and run?
High quality avatars and signatures 5k each or 7k for bundles.
yes they could, but you don't want to run the risk of falling again as seeing how clumsy some of these people are.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
yes they could, but you don't want to run the risk of falling again as seeing how clumsy some of these people are.

They can either die on the ground, or have a chance of getting away with the brief bursts of speed they get from running before they fall down again.

Either way, you can't run across flat terrain without tripping, how the hell are you still alive after all this time? Would've died long ago from tripping on something lethal.
Originally Posted by Kilcreed View Post
-Asian guys always being good at karate or kung-fu


Dont make useless posts.
Last edited by Bloob; Jul 1, 2011 at 12:24 AM.
1. Having one SINGLE protagonist that's invincible and kills an army of guys throughout the whole movie. (Hitman)
2. Knowing from the second you see someone that they will/will not die.
3. in huge battles in the medieval movies where the camera stays behind a bad guy who gets slashed across the chest and flails his arms up and dies
4. The fact that the protagonist is such a good guy that you start to hate him and root for the baddies