View Poll Results: Would you be willing to participate in this?
Yes, idea sounds interesting
172 Votes / 91.01%
I just can't decide...
8 Votes / 4.23%
No, we don't need this!
9 Votes / 4.76%
Voters: 189. You may not vote on this poll
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On behalf of Xtreme, who is speaking on behalf of Evil, we would like to participate.

Proof, if needed.

<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
I counted 6 clans ready to participate so far. I said 16-20, while I hope at least 10-12 that will be sure to participate and not to bail out somewhere in the middle of the event.
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
I counted 6 clans ready to participate so far. I said 16-20, while I hope at least 10-12 that will be sure to participate and not to bail out somewhere in the middle of the event.

Well this event doesn't need to be giant. If we could get maybe 5 or 6 actively participating clans I think it could work out fine.

Of course the more the marrier, not going to argue with that.
This guy was once a GameMaster
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
No CW on teh maps, insta gtfo.

Srs: well, good idea but I smell faillllllllllll. Some clans just don't give a fuck, others would get inactive in the middle of the event or so, also, I don't remember a single clan event that gone as well as it was planned. Most of them were fails.

+1 when I look at how MUCH ( 'cool event, let us in! *wartime* LOLNOPE ) clans are interested in current clan league.
If you want it to work, don't make it larger than 10 clans. Ofc we're up for it, as always.
Ohwait, I just quoted myself.
Wait, are you saying we have to be active? I thought we'd could just chill and shit.

But I was wondering, are alliences welcome or allowed?
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Active in the way you don't just lay on the map, but actually trying to expand in some way.
If you want to 'chill', then I can just put any clan I want on the map and let them sleep through it.

Alliances welcomed and allowed.