real friends HAVE TO BE TESTED (Nightmare is seriously stupid, he thinks we are some fail clan who let people in just because they are friends with one of the members irl.)
ingame freinds have to be "tested" you know what i mean [Rule 1] ^^
Last edited by Pawned; Jun 24, 2008 at 10:16 PM.
Artist: Nightmare | Previous Owners: --- | Resolution: 512 | Modifications: On Request, No fee if simple

Before you even start asking to join:
WE have to know YOU!
We at least need to remember your name , so we want to see you at least like 3 times in a row playing on our server, talking with us and being polite, or else we won't remember you and you won´t join. So after psoting in here right move to the predator server! Is even better if we first know you as a good person and then you ask! Thats the polite way ;p

Application Rule one
i made that rule :O

since EVAH!
Last edited by Nightmare; Jun 25, 2008 at 12:11 PM.
Artist: Nightmare | Previous Owners: --- | Resolution: 512 | Modifications: On Request, No fee if simple

Hey, I Wanna join your clan ^^
Belt: Blue Belt, 1xx away from brown
Favorite Mod: Instagibfeet
Age: 14
Country: Germany
A Time That We Can Meet and Play: Everyday, time is random
Do you get annoyed when losing?: no, not really
Do you make fun of others when they lose?: No, but when they say, they are pro, i do
Anything else you want us to know?: Jep, i have an Blue Belt, close to an Brown, but i Lose often, not always. is that bad?
KLeonidas prepared to join
Belt: Green(just a little to blue)
Favorite Mod: classic, sambo and titanic
A Time That We Can Meet and Play: 3:00pm
Do you get annoyed when losing?:I feel disapointed with me but then i am ok again.
Do you make fun of others when they lose?:of course not beause it is a game.Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose...
Anything else you want us to know?:i want to join in predator...I have friend joined named Tartaruga...
Last edited by KLeonidas; Jun 26, 2008 at 12:29 PM. Reason: smtimes----sometimes
belt=black (900 games to 2nd dan)
Fav mod: for singleplayer soccer and MP classic with 1000/70
o well, in germany like 19:00-21:00, sometimes much earlier

I dont get annoyed, except i make a stupid mistake or sthg.

I dont make fun of others as far they dont do it to me and i NEVER mean i serious

Uhh no^^
I am a nobody.
Nobody is perfect.
So I am perfect!
Belt: Blue Belt
Favorite Mod: leftknife
Age: 13
Country: USA
A Time That We Can Meet and Play: 6:00 PM
Do you get annoyed when losing?: Not really, unless they brag a lot
Do you make fun of others when they lose?: Never
Anything else you want us to know?: No, that's all
Belt - Blue, about 10 games till brown
Favorite Mod - I'm fine with any, but instagibs and zombies are best
Age - 13
Country - United States of America
A time that we can meet and play - almost every day, around 5:00-6:00
Server - Predator, if you like
Do you get annoyed if you lose? - Only if the winner brags a lot
Do you make fun of others if they lose? - No
Anything else you want me to know? - No, thats about it.