Majestic Unicorn: Opener = wtf.
The handstand looked ok, then the spin came and it was pretty good.
The huge jump + corkscrew was great.
The pose was meh.
Fluffy Pony: Opener = awesomeness.
The heli was amazing.
The breakdance was quite short but pretty good.
The next flip was amazing but got you laying on the ground which is not good.
Everything after that was meh.
Floppy walrus: Everything that was different from the other one lookes good, except for the pose.
Smoke and Mirrors: I don't like how you grabbed to get the manip going.
The manip was short, but ok.
The kick was really awesome.
Shoving Uke's leg into his torso was the most amazing thing in the replay, great job.
The next boomhit was sweet.
If you get that whole part of the torso in one hit I'll marry you.