I'm Not Really Sure Intro's, So Here Goes.
NAME: Bryson
AGE: 16
GMT: -5
PARAGRAPH: Hello Fr3styL, as you can tell, I am LordFappington and I am very interested in joining your clan. I understand the fact that I am currently a white belt may make you hesitant to let me in, but I was once a Black Belt on an old account that got locked for being too underused, I guess. I assure you I can still play well. I am mostly recreational, but I enjoy tourneys as well. I will be online often and I am set to be focused player on a TwitchTV channel broadcasting/streaming Toribash. I can tryout in-game or send replays if need be. Thanks for reading. *brofist*
Other Games: Halo: Custom Edition, Minecraft, CoD4, TF2 (Non Steam), Postal 2, ArmA, Red Faction: Guerrilla, and I am in the process of getting a digital copy of Crysis 2.