Belt: 3rd dan (90 something matches to 4th)
Any previous clans: Streak9, Revolution
Modes you are best at: Akido, wushu
Why you want to Join: becouse im looking for a clan that isnt full of brown belts and idiots
Wat mode u would like to be tested in: akido

hope you make it G

sorry i just like editing posts

Last edited by GloomyBear; Aug 19, 2008 at 04:54 AM.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
ok i tested vamp in betabox and he passed...

since he already has the support of both our co-ldrs.... im gonna waive the clan vote for him and accept vamp into the clan

everyone welcome our newest member, Vamp_09
no hunter..
only wen i or the person that tested him isnt sure whether or not the person should join... its only meant as sort of a last resort if some people want the guy to join and some don't...

although i can c the way ive been saying it, it might sound like its a must for all ppl we accept.. ill change the first post.