Age: 13
Belt: Black
Previous clans (don't know if this really matters): Bleu, Tech, Death Plague.
Ingame activity: I try to play at the very least once a week.
Forum activity: I don't post very often...maybe a few times a month at best.
Reason for joining: I've seen some of you ingame and you're pretty good at fighting. You guys have a good, mostly mature personality (from what I've seen, but I could be missing something :P) and you're funny sometimes as well. Also, I remember some of Fyre from a while back. Specifically: hobomoose, kayateya, theultimatum, and rikazeMA. I know rikazeMA isn't in Fyre, but I see you've sent him an invite. Also, I have skills in Aikido, TKD, Wushu, and Judo, which could help Fyre if you decide to have a clan war or something. I'm skilled in sparring and parkour as well.
Replays: I have a link to my replay thread. It has a LOT of replays so you can see what I do. They are mostly sparring replays but I have a few other things too.