Secret Santa 2024
well... I'm 14,
i live in the u.s.
the only other clans I've been in are Pulse & Akatsuki.
I'm not normally active on the forums but i can adjust to any requirements.
i'd do anything i could to help the clan progress.
i don't really know anything else.
Power of the Cyclops IS the Power of Fyre
Three yes's. Sending invite.

Hlmaster Moderated Message:
Sending guidelines.
Last edited by Hlmaster; Oct 3, 2012 at 03:49 PM.
Silly ToriBash. Fyre doesn't die.
Bruce I knowed you were a yes. Welcome back, Pal.

hlmaster Moderated Message:
No more greetings for bighed in the recruitment thread, take it to the general chat.
Last edited by Hlmaster; Oct 5, 2012 at 05:46 AM.
Silly ToriBash. Fyre doesn't die.
Age: 13
Belt: Black
Previous clans (don't know if this really matters): Bleu, Tech, Death Plague.
Ingame activity: I try to play at the very least once a week.
Forum activity: I don't post very often...maybe a few times a month at best.
Reason for joining: I've seen some of you ingame and you're pretty good at fighting. You guys have a good, mostly mature personality (from what I've seen, but I could be missing something :P) and you're funny sometimes as well. Also, I remember some of Fyre from a while back. Specifically: hobomoose, kayateya, theultimatum, and rikazeMA. I know rikazeMA isn't in Fyre, but I see you've sent him an invite. Also, I have skills in Aikido, TKD, Wushu, and Judo, which could help Fyre if you decide to have a clan war or something. I'm skilled in sparring and parkour as well.

Replays: I have a link to my replay thread. It has a LOT of replays so you can see what I do. They are mostly sparring replays but I have a few other things too.
I play video games for my entertainment and sometimes records them for your entertainment as well.
He hus grummur.
AI sai yus.

I'm kidding. That ain't at all how I speak. However, I emplore your level of maturity in your application.
Anyways, I can not currently watch your replay, because I am on a shitty iPhone. Anywho, I like you. I'll say yes.
Last edited by Hlmaster; Oct 8, 2012 at 08:48 AM. Reason: Failed spelling<-Still failed.
i like cats
I say yes. Sending invite. Also, RikazeMA has been inactive for months and months. Which means he wasnt around when all the clans were reset. We are still awaiting his arrival...

Hlmaster Moderated Message:
Sending the guidelines.
Last edited by Hlmaster; Oct 8, 2012 at 08:46 AM.
Silly ToriBash. Fyre doesn't die.