Secret Santa 2024
mahulk please dont spam this board with deserved what skazz said because you totally missed the point of this whole disscusion

//back on topic
Originally Posted by Person View Post
The only way for this to be answered would be to find the answer in a document of the Christian religion. It also could be answered by asking a priest or other religious authority who actually knows the exact answer.

Might well be easier said than done. As I'm sure you know, such details are probably ambiguous enough for whomever to apply their personal opinion on the subject. That is, unless one can find something utterly concrete, which is unlikely.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Well, this is actually a really good conversation, and I wish that I could have posted this on the first page because it is less likley to been seen now, but....

My grandma and grandpa are/was (My grandpa died from smoking...) the biggest church goers I was related to. Every single sunday and wednessday they went to church. They were baptised(Spelling?!?!) My Grandpa would lead prayer for the whole church somtimes. I have never even heard my grandma cuss one time. My mom has never either, and its her mom. The thing is, they both smoked. My grandma quit because of heath problems from the smoking started to arise, but she still did for like 50 years. (idk how long...)

I don't think they would be going to hell though. I think when they say suicide, I think they mean instant death.

I don't know if this was brought up yet, but in the bible ( I think, at least I was told in church this story) of this man. The devil talked to god and asked for one soul of a man that he could do anything to and show god that he could change the belief of somone against god. God said, ok, only thing you may not do to this man is kill him, so they both agreed. This man had the worste luck possible, he was pretty much tortured by the devil. No matter what though, he stayed truthful to god and always loved him.

If that happened to a man today, he would have commited suicide pretty most likley, because he stoped believing in god because he was treated so bad.

Suicide is in a way, a way for people to try and cut in line to get to heaven. They don't want that. God wants you to be fathful him and spread the word of God till the day you die. Wether thats from smoking getting hit by a bus or just dieing of old age and natural causes.

I beleive that if god still wants you alive, and you still bellieve then he will keep you alive as long as you don't purposefully go and say/think or whatever I am going to kill myself. I want to kill myself. In this case, then he says fine, you may die, but the catch is, you go to hell.

My grandpa was in his late 70's like 78 or 79 I think when he died. He had smokes since he was about my age I think, and I am 16. My grandma is still alive and she is in here 70's also. Seeing how they smoked all that time and didn'die sooner, and stayed faithful all those years, it makes you wonder if its true, and if there is a real connection there.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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Originally Posted by mahulk16-0 View Post
حمار زج

dude here they dont know how to speak arbic .
Originally Posted by Patrick_Unrated View Post
Suicide is in a way, a way for people to try and cut in line to get to heaven.

This pretty much answers it for me, as it actually explains *why* suicide is regarded as a sin. When you think of the question "will smoking send you to hell" with this fact in mind, it becomes far easier to answer; smoking is'nt the same thing as deliberately killing yourself with the objective of ending your life, and so falls outside this context of "suicide".
Ok thats all good and well what everyones opinions are, right. But the famous quote on the back of ciggarette packets "Danger smoking kills" hmmmm, wouldnt you say that is good enough for this "god" to account it to the arrogance of man if they start, therefore deeming those that defy his word to hell.

Perhaps thats why a god "if any" created nicotine plants, to test the resilience of man. Im not religious as I said, I am just taking the 50% majority that are's side for this debate because it makes things a bit easier and gives a more solid foundation upon wich to talk about.

talk about smoking my dad just caught me....
Originally Posted by Squee View Post
hell is not inside earth/underground.
I forgot where, exactly, it said that hell is, but it isn't on Earth

I'd love for you to find me scriptural basis for where hell is and where it says it's a place of torture for the wicked; you can't blindly rampage facts without giving sound reference. "It's somewhere, but I forget where" doesn't help in a huge book like the bible. Again, Hell doesn't exist, sorry. Please find me the exact scripture saying it does and that it's a place where sinners go to be tortured for all eternity. Might I also bring out that having inherited Adam's sin, we're all sinners whether we like it or not; therefore if your logic prevails it's impossible NOT to end up in 'Hell'.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Originally Posted by mahulk16-0 View Post
u wont go to helll and dont ask y cuz i am a muslim in the quran allah (god)
says smoking wont send u to hell it mite kill u but i will forgive u didnt know اللة احبك

u are wrong am muslim two , and the quran said it's forbidden , cuz every thing that hirt u is forbidden , so my answer is IT WELL KILL U ! .
Man, there is some pretty random religious beliefs going on out here. O_o

Anyway, I am a Christian, so I do believe in hell. But the question isn't, "is suicide be a sin? Since murder is a sin, suicide is obviously a sin (according to Christianity), but I believe that you could sin and still go the heaven. Murder is the same as any other sin, whether it is lying or stealing or whatever, but that doesn't keep you out of heaven. What gets you into heaven is believing and accepting Jesus. So you could be a horrible sinner and still go to heaven if you believe. Anyway, the point is, you will only go to hell if you are are not a believer.

Again, these are just my beliefs as a Christian, so please don't start a huge flamefest telling me to keep my religious beliefs to myself. ;)
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